Lena Dunhams Botched Bariatric

"Now, his actual project, he needed to raise like $50k or some shit to put on an interpretive dance that was a metaphor for the debt collapse in 2008 in the United States.  He needed to perform this dance with his friends in Germany for some reason.  I don't know why.  Honestly, and I'm not exaggerating, it was like 5

Thanks for the awesome link.

I don't get it.  So a guy says some mildly offensive things and a bunch of internet dweebs get their manginas all worked up into a froth.  Then he apologizes and the frothy discharge continues.  I just can't understand the mentality of people like this, always desperately seeking something to be offended by.  I'd have

This reads like a hastily submitted short essay assignment for your remedial Composition class.

They should do a scene where Spidey says something quippy and PG-13 rated and then gets into a bloodless CGI skirmish with a generic enemy.  Please make this happen!

AV Club commenters are bastions of ideological purity that all artists and lower denizens of humanity are measured by.  Did you not know that?  You obviously need a Vanderwerfian education.

You've got to be kidding.

"In what way?"

Are you really this fragile? 

Well I hated both, but if I had to watch one again I'd probably go with Watchmen, just so I can laugh at how bad the acting was again.

Drake, Chris Brown, Jay Z, Veronica Mars…is the theme of today's newswire "Things I Couldn't Possibly Give Less of a Shit About"?

I just wish that Mann had set it in the late 80's as a period piece, because now it feels very much like a modern film that's just a little too 1995.

Heat definitely has some hokey dialogue but how can you deny its visual brilliance?  That's just silly.  Also, Mann never made a movie called DILLINGER or MIAMI HEAT.  Or were you trying to be funny.

The scene that really won me over is when DeNiro is making his getaway at the end, girlfriend in tow, cruising the LA freeway.  He travels through a tunnel and this mesmerizing white light just washes over the vehicle briefly, and the music swells just a tad.  Such a well done moment that I'm sure Mann intended to

Shot on 35mm!

Yeah, I firmly believe that any concept or character can be made interesting with a little talent and inspiration.

Its actually worse than this review suggests.  To be fair, I wasn't real hyped up about this movie to begin with.  The only Snyder movie I had seen before this was Watchmen and I thought it was awful.  But this was something else altogether…the last half hour was incomprehensible and utterly boring.

"Why can’t a filmmaker focus on the genre’s purely visual aspects and just skip all the useless narrative conventions?"
That seems to be the problem with most films these days actually.  Kubrick is sorely missed.

The first season of Justified is pretty much my favorite season of television ever, for what its worth.

That was a whole lot of sense you just made.