Lena Dunhams Botched Bariatric

It's NOT in the book!  IT'S NOT!!!!

Give it a watch, you'll be surprised at how smart and subtle it is (until the very end, as someone already mentioned).

Perhaps even better than…the first one?

My favorite George C. Scott horror film is Exorcist III.  Very tight little movie, effectively creepy, and great acting all around.  Also Brad Dourif.

I am a racist and a homophobe, and a sexist and a bigot and a chauvinist and a misogynist AND I regularly abuse women for fun but I still couldn't get into Ender's Game.  What's so great about it?

"The heterosexual community is not relevant in a discussion of what defines a gay person."

“She’s looking for my balls,” he explains to Bullock
Upon finding out what an overpriced whiskey will cost her, she replies, “Is it served in Jesus’ shoe?”
Damn, if this is illustrative of the kind of humor in the Heat…just damn.  Weapons-grade Failtonium.

learn what words mean, and then kill yourself


I'm reading the Martian Chronicles.  Gonna knock out everything Ray Bradbury in the next couple of months.

It's called the "Brecken Meyer-Mark Paul Gosseller Effect"

Damn, this is direct competition for my upcoming directorial debut "Encarta Magenta".

not bad

That was pretty good


Upper on the Rocks

I meant that he was the loser.

True story:  Aaron Carter tried to get with my girlfriend (before she was my girlfriend) at some shitty venue in Hartford, CT.  She turned him down.  What a loser.

*Lena Dunham shows up on set and uses her feminist smarts, Sheen promptly ignores her and bangs two gorgeous supermodels at the same time*

True to life though, whether you like it or not.