Mister Bananagrabber

She can be THE FARM's Worf!

Angela screwed around on Andy for a year, so this is merely comeuppance in my book.

Angela screwed around on Andy for a year, so this is merely comeuppance in my book.

I wouldn't say he's as petty or cruel as Original Flavor Mike, but yeah, he's wildly unlikeable.

I wouldn't say he's as petty or cruel as Original Flavor Mike, but yeah, he's wildly unlikeable.

No, Andy Bernard is just wildly inconsistent, and in seasons 4 through 7 he's been overly derivative of both Michael and Dwight. The singing and the anger issues are the only things that set him apart (if you replace "Cornell" with "beet farm" or "improv classes," nearly all of his dialogue could be assigned to

No, Andy Bernard is just wildly inconsistent, and in seasons 4 through 7 he's been overly derivative of both Michael and Dwight. The singing and the anger issues are the only things that set him apart (if you replace "Cornell" with "beet farm" or "improv classes," nearly all of his dialogue could be assigned to

“The New York Yankees are as American as those apple flavor chemicals they put in McDonalds Apple Pie." — Mike Birbiglia

“The New York Yankees are as American as those apple flavor chemicals they put in McDonalds Apple Pie." — Mike Birbiglia

As obnoxious as grammar or word usage correction always is, Archmage is right. A random episode is one chosen out of sequence with no particular intention, not a "silly" or "irreverent" episode, but I wouldn't bother correcting someone about it on the internet.

As obnoxious as grammar or word usage correction always is, Archmage is right. A random episode is one chosen out of sequence with no particular intention, not a "silly" or "irreverent" episode, but I wouldn't bother correcting someone about it on the internet.

THIS. HIMYM used to subvert expectations, not swerve directly into them. "Everyone's a guardian!" is a FULL HOUSE ending.

THIS. HIMYM used to subvert expectations, not swerve directly into them. "Everyone's a guardian!" is a FULL HOUSE ending.

And they somehow got Wallace Shawn!

And they somehow got Wallace Shawn!

Yeah, I thought it was a play off how creepy those commercials come off. Anecdotally, every conversation I've ever had about the "Masters of Style" have included the words douche, creep, asshole, or a combination thereof.

Yeah, I thought it was a play off how creepy those commercials come off. Anecdotally, every conversation I've ever had about the "Masters of Style" have included the words douche, creep, asshole, or a combination thereof.

I thought Sandusky was the punchline, joining the ranks of Gillette's Creepy Douche Brigade.

I thought Sandusky was the punchline, joining the ranks of Gillette's Creepy Douche Brigade.

Yeah, but he doesn't even use an accent. I did like his repeated mispronunciation of "gruyere" cracking up Seth Meyers.