Mister Bananagrabber

Yeah, but he doesn't even use an accent. I did like his repeated mispronunciation of "gruyere" cracking up Seth Meyers.

I understand that a poorly-done accent can border on offensive, but I didn't think "Tech Talk" crossed that line. If the humor had relied on Chinese stereotypes, that would've been offensive, but as portrayed it was just a storytelling necessity.
Cecily Strong's Latina WU character from the season premiere, though? Oof.

I understand that a poorly-done accent can border on offensive, but I didn't think "Tech Talk" crossed that line. If the humor had relied on Chinese stereotypes, that would've been offensive, but as portrayed it was just a storytelling necessity.
Cecily Strong's Latina WU character from the season premiere, though? Oof.

The sketch was just pointing out how ridiculous it is to become upset over a luxury item, when the people who built the same item are living in squalor and misery. It's not a tough one to get.

The sketch was just pointing out how ridiculous it is to become upset over a luxury item, when the people who built the same item are living in squalor and misery. It's not a tough one to get.

My dog's name is Marty, and he and I agree that 2 is the weakest one.

My dog's name is Marty, and he and I agree that 2 is the weakest one.

This seem like the perfect place to get into it, so sure: I've had crashes, downloaded unplayed podcasts disappearing, podcasts halting during playback and THEN disappearing, partially-played podcasts disappearing, entire podcast histories being downloaded all at once, and the fact that my bluetooth headphones get

This seem like the perfect place to get into it, so sure: I've had crashes, downloaded unplayed podcasts disappearing, podcasts halting during playback and THEN disappearing, partially-played podcasts disappearing, entire podcast histories being downloaded all at once, and the fact that my bluetooth headphones get

Podmass 10/11/12 — The first time I saw the word "shiza" in print.

Podmass 10/11/12 — The first time I saw the word "shiza" in print.

The very instant "Phil's-Osophy" reared its professionally-bound head, I got a "Bro Code"/"Sterling's Gold" vibe and was shocked to find it wasn't already available for pre-order as a lazy Christmas gift for that one relative who told you they liked that one show that time.

The very instant "Phil's-Osophy" reared its professionally-bound head, I got a "Bro Code"/"Sterling's Gold" vibe and was shocked to find it wasn't already available for pre-order as a lazy Christmas gift for that one relative who told you they liked that one show that time.



But that monkey's a doctor!

But that monkey's a doctor!

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus "Well this was some time-traveling, silly monster bullshit."

@avclub-83de02c3cfc3634de1279cbc17a8fbae:disqus "Well this was some time-traveling, silly monster bullshit."

Baseball caps frighten you?