
I once had to hand out flyers. It was excruciating (I really hate bothering people). I remembered this line and promptly threw the remaining flyers in the nearest trashcan. It was so liberating. Thanks, Mitch Hedberg!

God damn this joke. It means I smile every time lupus gets mentioned, despite being told that lupus is actually pretty awful and not at all funny.

I saw him when he played at Auburn. Apparently no one told him it was an outdoor venue, so that kind of threw him off, but he was still so great.

I think the OP is saying that the normally "SJW" AV Club has failed in its "SJW-ness," given the tenor of a lot of the comments here (re. Kesha's music sucking, etc.). I'll admit I've also been a little disappointed in what I've read here (psssst — she was 18 when she was signed, plus talent or lack thereof shouldn't

Wow, I was just stunned to be reminded that this show is only part way through season 2. They burn through some plot, don't they? Major's character arc alone has been a rocket (after a slow start, no less). It's so awesome.

I adore this show for currently showcasing two black women, two white men, two white women, two black men, and one woman of indeterminate race (sorry, I'm not sure of Sophie's background), without making it seem like a statement, or a Benneton ad, or anything other than regular. The characters happen to be

Honestly, I know athletic interference with academics happens, but I can say that, having taught at two different SEC schools for a number of years, I have never once been pressured or otherwise influenced re. athletes' grades, including those of football players (aka SEC Jesuses). That conversation between Jane and

That whole thing sent me into a spiral wondering about Chewbacca's role in Ben's childhood. Like, he would have basically been like his uncle, right? How pissed/grief-stricken must Chewbacca have been to gut-shoot Ben after Han's death?

Am I a terrible person for not understanding why Jeremy's incoming baby is such a powerful story? It's not even his first kid. If the family can afford two kids, they can afford three. I mean, I like Jeremy and am happy for him and his family, but the whole "Val is pregnant" thing just makes me shrug.

It was funny enough that I still laugh out loud at each comment that mentions it here.

Yup. The only reason I've even heard of Pepys (and know how to pronounce his name) is because when I was studying for the GRE subject test in literature, one of the book's suggestions was that if the question asked about a diarist, the answer would probably be Pepys. And damned if that didn't turn out to be the case.

I'm making myself wait at least until the drive home for the holidays. If I had any discipline at all, I'd wait until the drive back (it's a 10-hour drive, so the more episodes to get through, the better), but something tells me that's not going to happen.

If you haven't seen the video of The Rock making cookies with Martha Stewart, you should. She gives him shit for not mixing the dough vigorously enough.

"Look at your life; look at your choices." I wrote this once to a student in reference to his shocking disregard for semicolons, but I don't think he got it.

I listened to the whole thing at once (it got me from east TN to south LA for the holidays), and it was still captivating.

Yeah, I don't eat breakfast, and I hate milk [bone snaps], but a cup of dry Cheerios is a great snack.

Argh, I'm determined to bank these until my 10-hour drive back home for Christmas, but it's so hard!

How quickly we forget Cowboy Rick.

It's basically two rules working against each other, right? On the one hand, playing an idol means you can't be voted out; on the other hand, when two players tie for votes, everyone else re-votes between just those two players (right?). I guess it depends on which rule trumps the other. I think I'd rather see two

Spencer's complexion looks like he has the same German and/or British genetic makeup as I do. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to somehow get a sunburn on a grey winter's day.