
Well don't move the goalposts, sugar. Which is it — owned, run, or invested in?

Does she know?

Semicolons don't work like that, sweetie. "Y'all" is a contraction for "you all." The apostrophe replaces "ou" to yield a shortened form. I really appreciate the word "y'all" for adding a distinct second-person plural to the language, so please stop fucking it up.

That's okay. It's not like you're booing us in a theater or saying mean things about us in the news. Now that would be intolerable.

He is literally reporting on a TV show.

Well, bankruptcy is the cool law.

I mean, who hasn't had like four bankruptcies?

One minute he's setting up free access to higher ed for everyone in the state (yay!), the next minute he's doing this shit (boo!). Come on, Haslam! Keep your head out of your ass!

It's Tennessee. Trust me, it's homophobic.

I recently replayed P3 and was reminded that the characters are more flawed (in a good way) than P4's (and, so far, P5's). Yukari is a bit of a bitch, Mitsuri is a snob, Junpei sucks in nearly every way (though he does get better — and is more palatable throughout with the female protagonist), Ken is creepy af, the

The female protagonist for P3P is such an improvement over the male protagonist too. I freely confess that I bought a Vita just to play P4G, and then P3P was a pleasant surprise. Gravity Rush on Vita is a lot of fun too. Ultimately, I really like the Vita and think it's a shame it never really took off; I like it more

A thousand times this. (I don't even dislike Brooke, but I like deep soul need Shirley to win [now that Sheldon is out], and I fear they're setting up a Brooke "redemption".)

"On which issues does the mainstream media do the worst job of representing Republicans? (Select as many that apply.)"

I definitely got the impression that Asshole's sister is William's "real love" waiting for him (that they're coworkers but also soon-to-be brothers-in-law).

That picture indicates that there's a blue heeler in Fallout 4, which means I'm suddenly interested despite not having played or particularly wanted to play any previous Fallout game. Is there a heeler?

Eh, the show made a big deal of Rhaegar's King's Guard being at the Tower instead of with Rhaegar. He wouldn't have done that if it wasn't his baby. I don't think the show is trying to drag it out; I think they just didn't realize they literally had to spell it out for some viewers, apparently.

My sister and her husband loved their dog like family . . . until they had their first child. They continued to take good care of him, of course, but my sister confessed that she just didn't much care about him anymore — that he was just an obligation. I was visiting one time and watched that poor little bastard

I doubt you trust my opinion (you shouldn't), but I'm enjoying it very much from two months in the future.

Tormund is the only named Wildling at this point (well, except Gilly, I guess). Unless Jon just doesn't need a Wildling lieutenant (and I think he does, because I wouldn't buy the assorted Wildlings just following Jon), Tormund's safe until another Wildling starts becoming recognizable.

I saw Big League Chew in a gas station on my way from Alabama from Tennessee, and I almost bought it just because it was there. Like Everest.