
Spencer's complexion looks like he has the same German and/or British genetic makeup as I do. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to somehow get a sunburn on a grey winter's day.

If someone gives away the immunity necklace at tribal, does (s)he have to do it before the vote, or can they wait until votes have been cast but not revealed (as with the hidden immunity idol)?

I wondered if Tasha had lost her Abi-whispering skills in that scene, but if Tasha had already decided to cut Abi loose, that makes much more sense.

Has there really never been a double idol play? That surprises me. Is it because once one person plays the idol, other idols are instantly more valuable, making another person thinking about playing an idol reconsider and keep it? Or is it just unusual for two people to both be (or feel) at risk and have an idol?

The skin on Skupin's hands falling off like good barbecue is still one of the grosses things I've ever seen.

Kimmi is probably the "weakest" player left (not counting Keith, to whom I'm not sure "player" even applies), but this episode made it look like she's liked and in good with everyone (as Wigglesworth apparently was), so maybe she's stronger than her edit has made it appear (though that would still indicate she's not

Yeah, until we got pretty far into the episode without her name coming up, I thought this might be a blindsided Wentworth boot episode, since she was so heavily featured. Also, her edit is increasingly featuring things that are not a good look for her (nothing too atrocious, just a little smug and unfeeling at times).

He didn't take her on reward!

Did they slow-motion a Keith spit in next week's preview? Why yes they did. God bless you, Survivor.

Oh yeah, blue laws are the worst.

A group of us grad students (at the time) drove down to Emory to see Salman Rushdie speak, and on the way back swung by a convenience store. A member of our group was from [okay I confess I don't remember exactly where she was from because I'm a horrible person, so I'm just going to say] Bosnia, and upon spying a

I, like many other old people yelling at clouds, lost a lot of my enthusiasm for Star Wars over the course of the prequels and the reissues of the original films. That said, I find it rather endearing that my students (mostly college freshmen) are fucking stoked for this new film. Like they will not shut up about it,

I adore John Goodman. He's my "if you could have dinner with a celebrity" pick. When he dies, somebody come check on me please.

I just pitched Mother Night to my dean as my "instructor's choice" book in English Comp. Fingers crossed it gets approved!

Die Hard? It at least doesn't have a stealth "God bless us every one" ending, right?

I hate everything about Christmas and would simply ignore it if my family would let me. However, I have learned to simply smile and pretend to enjoy it — not just to avoid the uncomfortable conversation, but also because, well, why crap all over something someone else loves?

The reviewer says this is strange, less a comprehensive take than "critical caulk" to hold the seasons 1 and 4 reviews together. I read that as they're doing 2 and 3 to fill in the gap that exists in the already existing review (i.e., they're not re-doing 4).

My dog's totally cool with the sports shouting. But I once dog-sat a friend's Vishla (?), not realizing how sensitive those dogs are (or at least how sensitive that particular dog is). I shouted fairly vehemently (I believe it was the AU-GA game), and she literally shook in the corner for like 45 minutes. I felt

I'm one of those people who doesn't truly laugh out loud much, and Ravi's imitation of Clive's probable "o-face" made me laugh so hard my pets still haven't returned to the living room.

I wasn't completely sold until the bit about how Kilgrave messing with wealthy white men would be the fastest way for him to draw unwanted attention and put him on the radar, whereas using the marginalized in his machinations keeps him out of the realm of serious inquiry/legitimacy. That too is a result of (rich)