
I usually stick with Iron Bull, Dorian, and either Vivienne or Sera. Iron Bull and Dorian are mainstays because I enjoy their banter*, ditto Vivienne's and Sera's banter with Iron Bull. Varric is surprisingly dull as a companion. I sometimes like having Dorian and Solas together to listen to them snipe at each other.

Yeah, when my PS4 gets here (tomorrow!), if I can't fit it in amongst the other consoles, it's the PS3 that will be going upstairs, not the PS2. I mean, the PS3 has been great, but I play PS2 games as much or more to this day.

I lean strongly towards female protagonists but did try to make a male DA:I protagonist so I could romance Dorian. I didn't even get through the character customization part. The horrible hair choices stopped me cold, and instead I made a pretty elf girl (again), who romanced Cullen (again). I regret nothing!

Seriously, I had to tell my family that I'd accepted an in-town invitation and my in-town inviters that I was going home to see family just to get people to leave me alone about being alone on Thanksgiving. I spent Thanksgiving playing video games and drinking, and it was spectacular.

Twitter is my old person line in the sand. I don't know how it works, its existence makes me faintly angry, and I refuse to participate. My students talk about Snapchat (whatever that is), and I'm like, "No. I couldn't even get on board with Twitter." Then they look at me like I'm an alien. It's a little game we play.

Oh I hope you do! If you're anywhere near east TN, I'm fostering a lovely black cat whose adoption has already been sponsored. You know, just sayin' . . . :)

I woke up this morning with the brilliant plan of getting drunk since I knew, once drunk, I would inevitably use Bad Decision Time to finally pull the trigger on getting a PS4 (since they're "only" $299 on Amazon today). Then I figured since it was inevitable I might as well just do it without the getting drunk part.

I enjoyed P3 FES even though I too played P4 first (actually, Nocturne first, which led me to the Persona games). That said, I found it much more enjoyable as a female protagonist in P3P (which I played on my Vita). The friendships make more sense, you get to romance Akihiko (dreamy sigh), and Junpei is much more

Hang in there!

I don't know, after using an idol to save Stephen, I think Jeremy would have fought pretty hard against Stephen being sent home the very next tribal (unless Jeremy himself were being targeted, which he wasn't [weren't?]). Unless the idol move was just to secure Stephen's jury vote, I don't see Jeremy letting his idol

Didn't Jeremy say early on that he doesn't want the others to know that Val is pregnant? He may have kept her off the visitors list for that reason.

I actually love that they had such a physical challenge and that nobody seemed to give a shit whether they were up against a man or a woman. I mean, yeah, the women get flattened, but I love it when they're all playing the same game and playing it hard, with no "gentlemanliness" or "girliness."

I don't know, to me Jeremy playing his idol on Stephen makes it more obvious that he has a spare idol (but of course that's an easy interpretation when I know he does; who knows if the players would even consider that someone might have two idols — well, except maybe Wentworth).

Oh. That makes so much more sense than my "he wants his creepy relationship with Jessica to be 'real'" explanation.

Halfway through the episode, I said (out loud, to myself), "Oh God you know she's going to have to tell him eventually, so I wish they'd just get it over with." Then at the end when it was clear she was going to tell him, I was all, "Oh shit, don't tell him!" Good job, show!

I don't know if it means anything, but when Jessica and Luke were talking after they realized they both have super powers, Jessica said she'd never had sex with "someone like us" before. Now, she could have just meant super strength specifically (rather than "gifted" in general), but it is a thing that she said.

Yeah, I liked that they had the bus driver be sober and repentant. It made Luke's undeterred determination to kill him that much more revelatory re. his character. He's no paragon of virtue either, which (oddly) makes it easier to believe he might forgive Jessica.

Huh. I always think of "Jump the Shark" as referring to the moment that encapsulates or perfectly represents a show's lost quality. In other words, it's not necessarily the fulcrum on which the show's quality turns from good to bad, but that moment when everyone realizes (perhaps in retrospect) that the show is

I'm gonna guess he had very little time.

Counterpoint: Monkeys are fucking creepy.