
I agree that this particular grade is too low, but I think they grade episodes relative to the show they're grading, not TV in general. I could see arguments as to why this might be a below average episode of the show, but C+ seems extreme to me, especially considering that, before this season, the lowest grade the

Just finished the episode and I'm really surprised by this grade. I felt like the election stuff actually worked in this episode (especially because there's an ending in sight) and the case of the week didn't feel squished in, like a lot of the cases this season have. Plus, the case was really interesting! 3-D

Ohhhh, THAT'S how you pull a Ghost Dad!

I think it glitched or something and mixed this week's community grade up with last week's. Cause this had 110 votes the minute it was posted and last week's currently has one vote.

Presumably Amber's boyfriend/husband. Ryan appears to have cleaned up his act and maybe they're sharing custody now.

How you could give Braverman of the Series to Amber and not Zeek is beyond me. C'mon. The dude died. Show a little respect.

I think one of the pastors was also on the same blue ribbon panel Alicia was on in that one episode.

Yeah, that was…interesting. I wouldn't say it was the worst episode of the series. That title goes to something like "Anatomy of a Joke" or "Here Comes the Judge" where the show trips on a pile of cliches and falls into black hole of trying to be goofy and/or original. This was a mess, but I was never bored and there

We only get two episodes in January too, then it's off til March.

This episode also had the distinct Good Wife quality of being both very dark and very funny.

I thought the sequence with the partially-deaf guy was really well done. I was getting really confused in the courtroom scene without realizing they were switching up the words (Did she just say Loomar Bishop? Is 'hunter' slang for 'investigator'?). It took until Cuestra was spouting utter nonsense in his office for

The continually broadening scope of this show and the countless storylines and recurring characters is incredible. It's like it's the 'The Wire' of legal dramas. Also, I really hope Diane/Kalinda's move to F/A isn't going to force Robin out. She's the best. And, hey, I even kind of liked Other Cary in this episode!

"He Who Must Not Be Named" aka "He Who Almost Single-handedly Ruined the First Half of Season 4"

Oh whoops my bad. I'll throw in Manhattan Love Story instead.

Ooh, I want in on this.

I love how Nathan just threw him under the bus immediately. I'd bet money he knew the woman was from Brooklyn.

I'd love it if he did one Teen Street/free-seafood-dinner-type segment per season.

Oh cool, a shout out! Thanks John!

That was one of my favorite episodes of any comedy ever.