
Love this show, have loved this season, but this episode just didn't do much for me. Felt too broad and sitcom-y.

I personally hated that episode. I thought it was dull and predictable, save for the final twist.

They have a 4 season plan

This was already pretty much the lowest-rated show on any of the main five networks. If a low-rated show gets moved to Fridays midseason, that's a bad sign. But if a show gets renewed and placed on Fridays at the start of the next season, that usually just means the network doesn't care about the ratings or expect

Jonah Ray is to the AV Club as the Ghostbusters reboot is to Reddit

What a dumb complaint. Your comment might as well just be "I'm looking for something to complain about because I'm not a fan of this particular comedian."

Remember when this movie was announced and the AV Club article about it just assumed that it would be a misogynistic piece of shit?

Deadline says other TGW cast members will likely star in this show as well, so fingers crossed!

It looked to be an hour long death scene with an absurd number of hallucinations, which sounds about right.

They weren't even in Brazil this whole time? Such bullshit!

"Heeeeree's Major!" Remember when this show started and we all thought Major was going to just be a boring bland hunky love interest?

I like Mike Tascioni. He didn't get much to do in this episode, but he's an entertaining character thus far and doesn't just feel like Elsbeth 2.0. The dog thing is getting tiresome, but TGW has always run their character quirks into the ground (the 'In your opinion' judge, anybody?).

The humor on the show has felt too wacky and/or forced lately, but Eli begrudgingly letting handicapped people into the handicapped restroom was classic Good Wife humor.

"You want to believe, you want so badly to believe!"
"The truth is out there, Scully!"
"Well maybe you should trust no one!"
"Baba booey!"
*puts on leather jacket and sunglasses* "Ayyyy!"

That scene with Mulder and Joel McHale summing up the conspiracy was soooo dumb.

As an Iowan, I just have to say we invented peanut butter and rice krispy treats. So there, Jackie!

They integrated Cary and Diane into the main story of the episode and STILL didn't give them anything to do. And Diane just inexplicably vanished halfway through the episode. I enjoyed this episode a lot, but for the love of God please give Lockhart/Agos/Lee a good storyline, you've got almost half of your main cast

Alicia wouldn't really be involved in the scandal. Even Peter would barely be involved in it. Eli's original plan would have put all the blame for the election on Landau and it would just be bad for Peter because Landau is associated with Peter's announcement. All of the other ways you listed that Eli could hurt Peter

The problem is he's trying to sink Peter in a way that won't sink Alicia. That's why he's now conflicted about going through with the Landau plan. He thought he was only hurting Peter's campaign by tainting an endorsement, but since the source will also name Peter, things are trickier. It will look very shady for

I just don't think there was a better way to shoot that scene, since they were both in the doorway. I mean, they could have easily turned that scene into a phone call if this was another Archie/Julianna situation.