
This was outstanding. And the ending was actually kind of sweet.

The guy at the car wash was never going to say no to anything Nathan suggested. Nathan should've asked him to hang out sometime. It'd be his first success in that department.

Oh goddammit we typed the same sentiment at the same time.

My favorite part of the show is after the long silence when the business owners go "Um….I guess" and the voiceover immediately kicks in with "Jennifer was intrigued…"

I thought the second episode leaned a little too far towards being a commercial for Disney World, but the Hecks freaking out about their hotel room was my favorite moment of the season ("It has one of those fridges that looks like a cabinet!") Axl also had some great quotes. "B-student dead in hillbilly slaughter. 'He

This show really knows how to nail a last scene before cutting into the executive producer card. Stuff like Alicia answering the phone after Will's death, or "He's a jolly good fellow" from season 2, or the sound of the alarm going after Peter violates his house arrest in season 1. It just gives me chills every time.

Yeah, this episode fell kind of flat (though my problem was more with the meandering storylines than the attempts at satire). I'm definitely interested in where this Louis Canning story is going. Hopefully he lives long enough to up a few more times next season.

This episode devastated me more than Breaking Bad's Ozymandis. Masterful episode, but Will's death is really gonna bum me out forever, to put it lightly.

I've mostly agreed with the reviews this season, but I actually liked this one quite a bit. I mean, it was nowhere near "The Reichenbach Fall" good, but I'd say B+ at least. I do agree that this season was way too fan service-y though (although I am thrilled to have Moriarty back, the show was missing something

What the fucking fuck was that? I mean, they nailed the regeneration scene but Jesus Christ, the rest was a fucking disaster.

Season finale looks great. Two Parts! Lola's back!

That was easily the saddest character death of the year so far. Which is weird. But it'll probably be dethroned this Sunday.

In the gas station I'm pretty sure Sam picked up a six pack of Miller 64 (which used to be advertised on the show like crazy) and Jesse told him to put it back and get something good or something like that. Pretty funny wink at the audience if I'm interpreting that right, which I'm probably  not because I never am.

Sepinwall's seen the finale and says "the big emotional moment lands and the action scenes are cool", so I guess I'll watch it.

I haven't watched for two seasons, but I still know the intro by heart. So I guess I might as well watch the finale.

Isn't Burn Notice ending tonight? Does anybody really care? I mean, I haven't watched for a few seasons but I'll check in just to see what happens. Can't be any more of a trainwreck than Dexter's final season.

I know, right? They give him clever nicknames and he just complains about them! Who does he think he is? Chris Hardwick?

"She picked the ladder" was an exceptionally clever pun.

Are you talking about all the milk stuff? Cause that was all fake.

If only "Signal 30" had aired this year. Pete Campbell would have made a great trifecta.