
I'm so glad this show is black.

"In fact, you'll probably never see me again." *walks away*

I'm assuming this'll be explained in a Newsreaders episode some time this season.

This doesn't make a lot of sense. Watson agreed to do press and interviews for the movie the past few weeks and tweeted excited things about it. And if Franco was in the scene, how did he not "see it all go down"?

Well, I mean, it's not like they're BFFs with Rihanna…

I thought they were going to leave Seth un-raptured and thought would have been surprisingly tragic.

Agreed. I actually thought Jonah Hill was the highlight. I loved him just trying to be nice to Jay and his performance as a possessed version of himself was pretty great.

I also could have sworn it was Eliza Coupe giving birth on the dance floor. And I also thought she was briefly in the Spring Break Anthem video. And I also thought she was on the cover of Cosmo recently. But that turned out to be Kelly Osbourne. So I'm not so sure about those first two.

Spring Break Anthem was on iTunes for a day or two before the video came out and I thought it was hilarious without the video, so who knows?

Disagree. Japan all the way.

I fucking hated Primer. So much. I hate it so much that I'll take any opportunity I can to rant about how much I hate that fucking movie. Ugh.

Way worse. It looks like a disney channel show that they threw some inappropriate jokes into.

Obviously Wrong Cilffhanger Prediction: Winston hooks up with Jess. Seriously, how much of an FU would that be to fans? "You say Winston doesn't get enough important story lines? Well, here! Fetch!'

Are you referring to Justified? Because Justified is indeed mentioned in the article. And notifications are for when shows get mentioned in articles. So that is exactly what you signed up for with notifications, so it's not "fake notification clickbait shit".

There is a mention of Justified. Third page. They mention Justified because Margo Martindale guest starred in an episode. The guy who plays Raylan's dad was in an episode earlier this season too. There's a surprising amount of overlap between Justified and New Girl.

Have you guys watched New Girl lately? The show's hilarious. Lots more people like it than AV club writers.

Hey, it's not your fault yet. USA's upfront is thursday, they can still pick it up.

She played Mike Birbiglia's sister in Sleepwalk With Me and was in an episode of 30 Rock and a few episodes of The Sopranos. Other than that, mostly stage stuff. She was the female lead in Once until recently.

Ok, let's not drop the 15 dollar microphone.

I dunno, I guess I liked it a lot more than you cause I was interpreting the darkest timeline study group to be like past versions of all the members in the study group at their weakest points. Shirley's alcoholism, Jeff the Evil Lawyer, Annie's obsession with Jeff, Pierce being excluded from the group. It seemed