
I don't understand any scenario in which the puppet episode was better than this.

You guys are no fun. I mean, have a little faith. There's a chance they'll be very good and they certainly won't be Phantom-Menace-style disappointing.

I loved that too. That was the douchiest looking kid in the world.

And a lot of his ideas make some amount of sense too.

This show is the best. I hardly ever laugh out loud while watching TV, but I did multiple times per episode while watching this show. My favorite part was watching him stage the pig rescues goat video and realizing that I had seen it months ago. I hope this show gets renewed, cause it's easily one of my favorites.

Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. If they can bring it back and still just have it be in Abed's head, then I'm all for it.

I had found a link to that call sheet on IMDB and then posted it to reddit, until 45 minutes and 3 upvotes later when I just felt really guilty about it and deleted it. So I don't know that's the specific post you were referring to, but as for the content, I think this means a lot of people will hate the finale, but I

The problem is, as Ryan says, Frank wins at everything. No conflict seems like an actual threat at any point in the season, expect Russo. Russo seems like the only unstable part of his plan. Russo was also the most likable character on the show. So when we find out that Frank's whole plan was for Russo to relapse and

Russo's interesting, but not to the extent that a main character should be. You know he's going to succeed at pretty much everything's doing. As Ryan says in his review, he ALWAYS wins. Russo was like an underdog story. Where I thought the show was going up until this episode was that Russo would take over Frank's old

I actually found him 10 times more charming here than he was most of the time on 30 Rock. On 30 Rock, his character was confident but weird and here his character seems to be unconfident but fairly normal.

I was just mad that they killed off easily the most interesting character after only 11 episodes. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

I think one of those Animal Control guys was in the Emergency Response episode a few weeks ago.

We did it! "…doooon't stop beeelieevin'…"

Yep. As soon as this article went up yesterday, the group consensus was pretty much "Well, that won't be good." Pretty much sums it up. F's all around please.

I think the only episode Community could do that would be weirder than this one was would be a school shooting episode. Todd's the shooter. He's tired of everyone's shit. "I came here to chew bubblegum and take offense…and I'm all out of bubblegum." *shoots Shirley*

I watched it and enjoyed it, but I can't decide if I thought it was a "good" episode. But both TVD and Sepinwall liked it, so it clearly did something right.

He mentioned her several times, but was seemingly unaware that she was Sara Bareilles.

That was alright. Not the worst episode of Community that's ever aired. It did feel off, but I hope that fades with time as they get a better handle on the characters. I think this episode would have been a lot better without the Hunger Games thing. It was pointless, they could have done something better and smarter

I love how on Homeland, the daughter realizes everything that's happening and the son is hilariously oblivious to everything. He's always like "Everything's awesome! A safe house? Cool!  Mike's Here? Hell yeah!" Unless he has to set the table. That's the only thing he gets upset about.

They group could find out he died at like the end of the 11th episode, and the 13th could be his funeral.