
I think they can manage without. It's a miracle the ensemble of this show has remained unchanged up to this point.

I just watched the first bit of the second episode (where they discuss code names for sex) and am immediately sold. Hilarity and eventual heartbreak, here I come!

I love Dr. Horrible. I've seen it at least 50 times and I'm not even close to tired of it. Which is weird, cause I usually can't rewatch anything. Maybe the music helps. Now that I think about it, I've seen the musical episode of Community at least 12 times.

I was wondering if I should be watching Ben and Kate. I know it'll be canceled, but it seems to be the most well-regarded new show of the season at the AV Club. So I think I have to.

There was some type of tomato/tomahto joke in (I think) every episode this season, and then in this episode the writers say something about wanting to put more tomato/tomahto jokes in future scripts.

There was some type of tomato/tomahto joke in (I think) every episode this season, and then in this episode the writers say something about wanting to put more tomato/tomahto jokes in future scripts.

The payoff to the season long Tomato/Tomahto joke was one of the most absurdly brilliant things this show has ever done. And this show has done a lot of absurdly brilliant things.

The payoff to the season long Tomato/Tomahto joke was one of the most absurdly brilliant things this show has ever done. And this show has done a lot of absurdly brilliant things.

Maybe Briggs didn't actually think Blake was a zombie?

Maybe Briggs didn't actually think Blake was a zombie?

Was that scene of Blake getting shot the same Blake death scene we saw in "Chief's Origin?" Cause if it is, my mind is fucking blown.

Was that scene of Blake getting shot the same Blake death scene we saw in "Chief's Origin?" Cause if it is, my mind is fucking blown.