Bus From Speed

I *loved* this episode.  Maybe my favorite of the season.  I haven't been thrilled with the somewhat plodding nature of some of this season, and the lack of any explanation of the motives of the Observers or how these are so different from the science team we've seen for four seasons.  But as the season has gone on,

The last few weren't good - I think the one with the couple trying to kill each other was seriously the worst episode of this show ever so far - but I actually liked this one.  I guess the last five minutes worked for me, and the stuff they seem to be building with HR is promising.  I'm most interested in what they're

The last few weren't good - I think the one with the couple trying to kill each other was seriously the worst episode of this show ever so far - but I actually liked this one.  I guess the last five minutes worked for me, and the stuff they seem to be building with HR is promising.  I'm most interested in what they're

"Whatever works, Teddy - don't judge!"

"Whatever works, Teddy - don't judge!"

charliepanayi - First Contact is the best TNG film, but it is nowhere near the best Trek film.  

charliepanayi - First Contact is the best TNG film, but it is nowhere near the best Trek film.  

She talks in the bathroom; it's confusing.
"I'm in the bathroom, where are you?"
"In the bathroom, too.  I thought you knew that"
"Hold on, there's a girl who thinks I'm talking to her."
"Oh, well get rid of her, I'll wait here."

She talks in the bathroom; it's confusing.
"I'm in the bathroom, where are you?"
"In the bathroom, too.  I thought you knew that"
"Hold on, there's a girl who thinks I'm talking to her."
"Oh, well get rid of her, I'll wait here."

Well, for some of us in the lower-end of the middle class, $5k is still a borderline "amazing" amount of money to just come into.  I make 38k/yr and 5k would do a shit-ton for someone like me. 

Well, for some of us in the lower-end of the middle class, $5k is still a borderline "amazing" amount of money to just come into.  I make 38k/yr and 5k would do a shit-ton for someone like me. 

Talking into a reflective surface again, are we?

Talking into a reflective surface again, are we?

Also, what is it about this place and rampant assholery?

Also, what is it about this place and rampant assholery?

[Cut to them swimming and playing in the water]
Kids, come upstairs!

[Cut to them swimming and playing in the water]
Kids, come upstairs!

It was.

It was.

She's peeing in god's shoes now.
Too soon!
Her ashes were in there.
And they still are - am I right, buddy?