Some Random Guy

I can understand him taking the love interest and the chimp, but aren't there laws about taking away little girls? Did he have to get her parents to sign a permission slip or something?

Actually Ariel caused the Titantic to sink, but those scenes got cut at the end.

They should have let Smoove B review this one.

I would think the High Museum would be more likely to have a Cheech & Chong film fest.

I hear that their house is a very, very fine house.

It's well known that Midwesterners are afraid of California ever since the Joad family moved out there.

Who is the NFL's "Pinball Wizard"-a deaf, dumb, blind kid. I nominate Lovie Smith after last night's Bear debacle. [the Bear's are a sports team based in Chicago that plays American "football." Lovie Smith is their coach and has a room temperature IQ -ed.]

Is kick-boxing still the sport of the future?

Does the editor assume
That AV club readers have no knowledge of sports [athletic competitions often involving use of a ball and requiring physical skill-ed.].

So this is Good Morning Vietnam
But with the BBC instead of the U.S. Army?

But I had heard
Morrissey was going to be the new singer and relabel the band AeroSmiths. It was in the newspaper this morning and everything.

When keepin' it real
goes wrong…

You're such a hairy guy.

Going old school
I'd like to see Bushwick Bill fill in. He's still probably one scary little dude.

Maybe they needed the million dollars, so they wouldn't have to eat Kraft dinners. They could also buy some art, like a Picasso, or a Garfunkel.

Kirstie Alley can play the boulder.

I always thought Dr. Maya Angelou wrote some of the best dick jokes.

Which will be the higher number..
Antichrist related articles or Antichrist ticket sales?

Let's see how well my high school German serves my after all of these years. I think Ghostfucker writes:
"Yes, 30 Rock Sucks Ironman. It is a terrible program. Ms. Fey makes me spank my loins very happily. Mr. Lutz also makes me play with myself lustily."

The only werewolf movie that had any lasting impression on me was "I Was a Teenage Werewolf" featuring Michael Landon, but I think it was more because of Chicago's fantastic Son of Svenghouli schtick that presented it.