Some Random Guy

Is the soundtrack by k.d. lang?

No, it's a retelling of The Rock's life if both of his parents were black.

The biggest loss today is Angelina Jolie's breasts.  (Sadly shakes head while pouring 40 ounces of milk on the ground)

or We & Them (featuring Van Morrison).

Why would he ride on the back of some 70's glam rocker?

There is only one musician with the ability to unite and lead America, and that man is Weird Al.

I hope they get Jan Hammer to do the theme song.

I don't get the casting.  Shannon looks NOTHING like George Gervin!

I was out having drinks with Beck one night and he must have slipped something in my drink. I woke up the next morning in a bathtub full of ice, my left kidney was gone, and "Fox Rules, Dems Drool!" was written in my blood on the bathroom mirror.

Worse, he kicked his wife and banged his dog.

They should ask him to play "Run to You" instead. It's a better song.

Dempsey couldn't do this
Until he finishes the long anticipated sequel to "Can't Buy Me Love" entitled, "My Love is for Rent."

I say
that for every song preserved for eternity, another needs to be banished.

If they update the soundtrack
Can Kenny Loggins rap?

Isn't that the outfit they found Carradine in when he died? Ominous foreshadowing.

Why couldn't this be Tupac's announcement?

When a firstie comes along, you must whip it….

Someone should let Lone know that a whale's "blow hole" is not supposed to be used that way.

I was looking forward to
a big Bollywood production of "Springtime for Hitler"

The people involved are "Jonah Hacks"?