
I trust he made that Testament logo on the band-saw in shop class?


I just love the fact that he owns a White Sox bar directly across the street from Wrigley Field. I don't think they do it anymore, but The Gingerman used to play classical music at the bar before, during and immediately after Cubs games to drive away the Wrigleyville crowd.

Oh nevermind, I see Bold Vanderhuge has it covered

If I remember correctly, didn't Kiss them for Me and Pearl have that same (or very similar) instrumental part?

One of these men may buy one of your albums someday

Nice work Matt. This is my favorite AV Club segment and represents the main reason why I return to this site every day - to get turned onto cool things that I might not be so familiar with.  In this case I'm pretty familiar with Frank Black, but not much beyond the first couple of solo albums.

+100 if deification/ defecation was intentional

Don't forget to write your San Dimas Football comment dude!

If it's raining at the Explosions in the Sky show, you're going to feel like you're at one of Coach Taylor's emergency late-night practices.

The Mercury Program was great.  When I lived in Gainesville and Jacksonville, Fl in the 90's, I caught some of their shows.  They were my intro into this whole new type of music (new for me at the time anyway) - thanks for the reminder!

After reading some of his op-ed stuff and listening to him speak out of character on a range of serious topics, I think he comes across as an insightful, like-able person.  However I really can't stand the comedic persona he's created (I think) for the American public.

Have you seen that documentary about the middle-aged men with the lifelong obsessions with Debbie Gibson?  It's called "I Think We're Alone Now" and it's both creepy and depressing.  Some of these guys manage to attend her concerts and public appearances despite restraining orders.

I fully agree with you!  She made such an impression on me at an early age that I credit her with being responsible for my physical "type".

Vulgar Display of Power was the soundtrack to my dishwashing career back in high-school.  I still remember the grill cook nodding his head to "Walk" while flipping burgers with a Marlboro 100 dangling out of his mouth.  When the B-side of the cassette finished playing, we all knew what was coming next.  The A-side

Same here GeoX.  That part where Brett and Rennie harmonize "the sky was a woman's arms" gets me every time.

Where Gregory at????

Or Omar!  He could walk up to a bunch of zombies while whistling "Farmer in the Dell", holding his sawed-off and the zombies would start to flee from the area.

I was just in Turkey last week and met a LOT of Aussies heading to Gallipoli to commemorate Anzac day.  I knew it was a big deal, but wasn't aware of how big a deal it is to them.  The entire town had to change it's liquor laws to deal with the annual influx of Aussies and Kiwis.

At that reunion show they played at Pitchfork a few years ago, Yow busted out with this one right before a song: