
True. Agree :)

It would've been perfect except for the fact that they did basically the same thing in the movie (*spoiler*) with Coop and Katie. So you kinda see it coming.

Enjoyed this show!! Character thoughts:
- I honestly wasn't too crazy about the inclusion of John Slattery and Jon Hamm, surprisingly. I know everyone was digging the Falcon, but meh. They didn't need so many new characters.
- I did like Donna & Yaron, and the dance teacher, because they felt creepily real. And Jeff

Yeah, even the BJ from last season seemed a little off for Caputo's character, not sure why. He slowly got bolder this season but seems like he wouldn't have been bold enough last season to ask for that from Fig.

Yeah, a lot of the flashback moms are pretty difficult or outright awful (Piper's, Nicky's, Boo's, Taystee's adoptive mom, Healy's, Daya's). Has anyone had a bad flashback dad, other than Alex?

Agree with this. Though my college dining hall had a Kosher station and the food from there always looked the best. Some of my (non-Jewish) friends would try to order food from it and sometimes get shot down. So this is an oddly realistic plot!

Question: Can someone explain why Healy telling Soso to try antidepressants was so, so terrible? Because his motives were selfish in that scene? He's generally a not-great person, but at least he didn't tell her to "just get over it." As someone who has gone through depression, sometimes medication does help get your

I think Alex *mostly* admits that she's a terrible person though, while Piper tries to rationalize away her actions in attempt to appear good. I don't think that makes Alex better, but it may make her come off a little more mature/self-aware.

Haha, I think the pink color is to make them distinctive and show that Whispers is a Victoria's Secret analog, where pink = womanly. They certainly stand out from the rest of the prison colors (orange, grey, white) which emphasizes the fantasy they represent. But yeah, it's an ugly color!

Good points. I think Piper can come off worse than Alex because of how persistently needy she is. Alex has done some bad things but she seems to do them out of fun or necessity rather than out of compulsion.

I hate to say it, but… maybe they should've never had Alex/Laura Prepon come back to prison? I'm a fan of her and actually like her relationship with Piper, but she feels pretty unnecessary so far :(

Yeah, I feel like they faded her out and decided to make Black Cindy more central instead.

I see your point. They can't keep trying to shock us with "quiet badass" stories (even though I've loved all of them so far).

The Boo/Doggett pairing could've come off very forced (haha, look at how different these two people are!) but it somehow totally works.

Young Norma was so naive and beautiful! I loved the beginning of her story but wasn't as taken when her husband became so outwardly jerkish — I would've preferred him to stay subtly creepy. Still, the idea of a cult leader trying to cast off his one loyal follower is pretty funny.

I appreciate Kelly's prescence, because she's the only thing keeping the whole show from being a fluffy, over-the-top, insane mess. Which wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing, but I respect her for adding a bit of cold reality to the proceedings. Modelling isn't exactly a profession you go in to be "nurtured" — I'm

I appreciated Rachel Getting Married. It got a little too caught up in "ooh fancy wedding" at times, but it was an above average film for certain.

"The pamphlets were a great tongue-in-cheek spoof of horrible high school pamplets, and telling us that they're intentionally jokey takes away all of the humor…"

I like when people bring up religion and politics to me and question me — but I'm also weird. I think most people feel personally attacked very easily,  because politics/religion are often the foundation they are basing their life upon. It can end up like you are questioning their entire existence — that's why they

Agreed. Born in '89 & Michael was definitely better known for his crazy non-music related stuff among my average peers. I think that's only turned around now that he's died — I can't imagine there was an reason for the perspective to flip before then.