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    That was the worst ad campaign ever, but what do you expect from a bunch of filthy agnostics.

    Actually the "Atheist Kid" (with capital letters) on campus was totally annoying. The dozens or hundreds of other non-believer kids on campus that weren't all in your face about their lack of belief really weren't annoying, but the preacher that came to campus and showed us fake pictures of aborted fetus's certainly

    I was all about some "Superhuman Samurai Cyber Squad" when I was a kid. The monsters on that show seemed more Godzilla like than MMPR's monsters. Upon reflection MMPR was probably a better show though.

    Not to mention the female character who has a trait called "Gender War" that allows her to do increased damage to male enemies, In an early version of the game that move was called "Feminist Whore." Source: http://kotaku.com/5838387/d…

    Yeah, Galaxy Quest was awesome. It was also Snape's finest role.

    I haven't seen any of Friday Night Lights, and I am sure it's super dramatic on the show, but why wouldn't they continue dating and acting cutesy if they were dating and acting cutesy before she got preggard.

    I believe its a reference to the Red-Bellied Woodpecker. A bird known to return from Vietnam every year and assume the identity of one of its fallen comrades.

    where is the @hyperbole-o-meter when you need him/her.

    @dunk well of course you have to draw the line somewhere.

    Hey, being Nordberg in the Naked Gun movies is enough to forgive at least two murders.

    the muscular Russians are dreary and humorless, the fat Russians are drunk and cheerful. The skinny but not muscular Russians are treacherous and evil. Come on, haven't you seen Rocky 4?

    I always liked how astronauts were discriminated against on Upright Citizens Brigade. I think this movie was made in the UCB universe by people trying to show that you can't trust astronauts. They will return to earth with some kind of horrible moon infection.

    I am waiting for the follow up song "Katness Everdeen Whooped Birdman's Ass"

    How do you calibrate a Hyberbol-E-Meter? I assume you have to say the most hyperbolic statement imaginable and hope that it registers a 10, then say a completely non-exaggerated statement and hope that it registers a 0. with that in mind can I get a reading on the following two statements.

    I saw Mr. Willis in Columbia SC a few months before he died. I don't think it was public that he was sick at that point but I could tell he was not feeling good that night. Despite looking like he felt terrible he really put on a pretty good show that night.  He headbutted one of my friends.

    Whoops, I should have looked around a little more. There are two versions of the movie, they just aren't currently listed under alternative versions on IMDB. IMDB does discuss the differences between the two versions in the FAQ section of Inside's page though. Either way I am not sure which version I saw but it was

    You might be right, I have no idea if the version I saw was somehow truncated or edited, but IMDB does not list any alternate versions of the movie, if there was an "R-rated" version and an "Unrated" version I would think they would list that.

    I watched Inside about a year ago at the recommendation of our brick and mortar Blockbuster clerk. (dude was always suggesting weird foreign horror movies). At the time I thought that Inside was just your average slasher flick with the added layer that the last girl was pregnant. I have been really surprised that it

    The principal of Walts old school fakes a lot of votes to get himself elected prom king. John Stamos leads Walt, Skylar, Gus, Mike and Jesse into a flash freezer and freezes them all solid, but not before Walt catches a glimpse of Joan of Arc in bed with JFK.