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    I'm sure there are tons of African super villains and disasters even outside of Wakanda, it's just western media companies like "Marvel Comics" don't cover them.

    I am pretty sure Afrofuturism as a movement predates steampunk as a movement. Maybe steampunk should be re-named "Europastism."

    Yeezus is just alright.

    The permissions it asked for on Android were crazy. Access to your social media accounts, Full network access, Camera and Vibration controls, Access to modify your storage and about 5 or 6 more. For a wood block app.

    Jeeze. I love Dan Harmon. I have loved him since Channel 101 and LaserFart but good lord He comes across as kind of an A-hole in every interview. 

    I think it is really great.

    Since they changed the world with their music at the end of two. I hope three is about them bumbling through the multiverse and changing EVERY world for the better.

    I would be amped for a sequel to Interstella 5555 but not so much Electroma.

    Tuf Voyaging is an awesome novel. "morally grey (verging on black) interstellar environmental consultant" is not an overused trope to say the least.

    This whole episode I kinda just wished we were watching whatever was happening to Datak on his trip out of town. Then at the end he could come back to town and Nolan could be like "Oh Datak, you missed some razor rain, and Sokar came back from the dead… it was a crazy weekend!"

    I will stand in Vin Diesel's corner and say the two Chronicles of Riddick video games he has helped make have both been really good. In fact, I like to pretend that the only Riddick stories that exist are the two games and Pitch Black. The movie Chronicles and the Animated movie don't count.

    Man, I don't want to be that guy that's all "The book was better", but for real. The movie cut out pretty much all my favorite characters from the book. (although they slightly made up for it by making Jacapo a lot cooler).

    As a former aquatic biology lab technician and former controls electrician, I think I would make a pretty baller super villian. Now I need to start work on my Arduino controlled, electric eel powered super suit.

    Maybe I just misspell famous Hawaiian folk singer names.

    It sounds like Ke$ha's parents name their children the same way I name my second and third tier characters in Wizardry for NES. "Alright, the party returned but Tyrion, Gandolf, Conan and Willow are dead. Time to make some new characters…. crap I am out of fantasy names… Okay…. Logan? No that's a real name. Lagan!

    I agree. I read the back of the book a long time ago before I knew what Twilight or Stephanie Meyers was. It seemed interesting from the description but I didn't pick it up that day. Now I see that I dodged a bad book bullet.

    Hey Saucy Jack. I didn't even notice… I like your avatar pic.

    My Parents always had a VERY unusual idea of what was appropriate for a kid to watch. My father and I watched pretty much every episode of USA Up All Night (where I remember watching Deathrace 2000, Toxic Avenger, and Eating Raoul and 2000 Maniacs among other films) but for some reason I was not allowed to watch

    My Parents always had a VERY unusual idea of what was appropriate for a kid to watch. My father and I watched pretty much every episode of USA Up All Night (where I remember watching Deathrace 2000, Toxic Avenger, and Eating Raoul and 2000 Maniacs among other films) but for some reason I was not allowed to watch

    No, but Maniac Devil Nightmare Boys would be a pretty good hair metal band name.