
Ack! — beat me to it: I was going to mention that two of Cheap Tricks' best songs (Reach Out and I Must Be Dreaming) didn't appear on any other album than the Heavy Metal soundtrack

Ack! — beat me to it: I was going to mention that two of Cheap Tricks' best songs (Reach Out and I Must Be Dreaming) didn't appear on any other album than the Heavy Metal soundtrack

Also, the passage "To everything there is six seasons and a movie!" — Ecclesiastes 3:11

Also, the passage "To everything there is six seasons and a movie!" — Ecclesiastes 3:11

I was told there would be cake?

Looking forward to the complete collection of Sean O'Neal's wailings on the death of love — "Ecclesiastes II: Electric Booga-ohwhatsthepoint"

Looking forward to the complete collection of Sean O'Neal's wailings on the death of love — "Ecclesiastes II: Electric Booga-ohwhatsthepoint"

Ralph Kramden, still waiting for prices to drop on that 3-D TV

Ralph Kramden, still waiting for prices to drop on that 3-D TV

Man-o-day, Steve — that piece almost made me cry.

Man-o-day, Steve — that piece almost made me cry.

THANKS Disqus … :::rolls eyes::: … way to triple post my reply

THANKS Disqus … :::rolls eyes::: … way to triple post my reply

I'm wondering if such a game would even be possible now. How many unique Magic cards are there after 19 years of steady releases?

I'm wondering if such a game would even be possible now. How many unique Magic cards are there after 19 years of steady releases?

Oh Heck, just go and read the whole thing for yourself:

Oh Heck, just go and read the whole thing for yourself:

Inquest, seconded. The best article they ever did was "Iron Man Magic," a recap of the ultimate game where 5 players sat down with decks composed of one of every card ever made (as of May '97) and an appropriate percentage of land, for a grand total of 15,295 cards.

Inquest, seconded. The best article they ever did was "Iron Man Magic," a recap of the ultimate game where 5 players sat down with decks composed of one of every card ever made (as of May '97) and an appropriate percentage of land, for a grand total of 15,295 cards.

"Thank you, thank you! William Shatner will be playing here all week!"