
"Thank you, thank you! William Shatner will be playing here all week!"

This list is automatically disqualified because it doesn't have either "The Thing That Wouldn't Die" or "Mutany in Space."

This list is automatically disqualified because it doesn't have either "The Thing That Wouldn't Die" or "Mutany in Space."

I will see your Lion King and raise you "Sleepless in Seattle" —

In my Flashforward
I saw I was watching the finale of The Event and shooting my television. Thank god I was able to change the future.

The Cars are flatout my favorite band of all time, but even I have to admit "Door to Door" is a awful (or at least utterly forgettable) album. I think Ocasek finally agreed to reunite and do one more record so that Door to Door wasn't the bookend on the band's career

Morticia! You spoke French! Mwa-mwa-mwa-mwa!
As much as I was disturbed by the seemingly-out-of-nowhere-reboundy marriage proposal, remember that Don LOVES French films. And after seeing Megan teach the kids to sing in French (after defusing the milkshake bomb), that probably pushed him over the edge into his decision.

@Shatner — that's my call too: Will groks the meaning of the four-leaf clover and plants one in Spangler's office (say the spare one Katherine found in the townhouse).

Beam me up Harry
> Speaking of possible secrets, Harry seems awfully eager to get back to L.A., doesn't he?

The only way that idiot idea would have worked is if they played Europe's "The Final Countdown" somewhere in the background. That would have converted it to instant awesome

The final reason FF deserved to be cancelled
As if we needed any more evidence that the showrunners didn't know what they were doing … are you telling me they hired Annabeth Gish to play a villainous bisexual vamp — and then only used her, what, twice?? Criminal, I tell ya, just criminal.

The new kiss of death
Poor FlashForward. It SO wanted to be Lost. ABC wanted it to be Lost. This show was doomed the minute some suit said, "FlashForward is the next Lost."

Flesh Forward
I'm looking forward to the porn version of the show, where everyone has a 2-minute vision of an orgasm they're going to have six months from now and — ahh, who are we kidding, the writers will fuck that up as well…

What a disappointment… even if the whole Jeff/Britta/Slater triangle was "supposed" to be forced, so as to shoot Jeff out of the building into the arms of Annie, it was still a disappointment because this show excels at taking so many tropes and *effortlessly* turning them upside down. It appeared the writers knew