That's the one. Our teacher had warned us it took a few liberties. He kind of undersold the liberties.
That's the one. Our teacher had warned us it took a few liberties. He kind of undersold the liberties.
Ain't no year like Polanski-Macbeth-in-one-class Beowulf-&-Grendel-in-another year. Both were shown unabridged. The fuckedupedness in Macbeth has all sorts of meta layers to it, but the, uh, "corresponding material" in Beowulf & Grendel is… a whole other game, I tell you.
I'm so down for a murky "everybody's shooting everybody" scenario. But the "pure and noble Han would only ever fire a blaster in self-defense" thing needs to go either way.
It was horrible in conception, but the delivery really ruined it.
This movie is so white, that breakdown should have "… and 1/40th Cherokee" at the end.
Probably that cold metal donger.
Thanks - I found it in my library's catalogue, so I'll pick it up whenever I'm ready for, you know, more horrors.
Boy does this sound familiar right now. There's really nothing you can do to reassure the SO, and it's a miracle if/when the friend decides to stick up for, you know, their friends and the having thereof. Here's hoping for your miracle, though.
I'm slowly making my way through Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda by Romeo Dallaire. I only just got to the start of the genocide, but it's staggering how many things went wrong beforehand. Definitely going to have to pace myself going forward.
The exploration part keeps calling to me too. I convince myself I still need to finish up some other games, and then bam, somebody makes a map of Sweden. The whole thing.
Who controls the temperature?!?
It's out and it's not a steaming pile: that's worth a pizza party.
A guy with a stick up his ass about paying the whole cheque is a huge red flag. Horribleness has always been quick to follow, if it hasn't already turned up in the date.
There's more where that came from. Do yourself a favour and never look it up, though.
What's the point of big, fancy tombs if you can't mess with whoever cracks them open thousands of years later?
Pink Lady soda was the best thing until a cold, cruel universe took it from us.
Who needs nuance when you have a list-video to make?
It's like being back in high school and reading Shakespeare, in that you have no goddamned idea how "triumph" was ever supposed to rhyme neatly with the rest of the verse.
OMG* so much outrage in this outrage post can you believe this perpetual outrage machine