It is.
It is.
Definitely the best F to start with. Such a perfect overview of how the series became a trainwreck.
Tarantino? Size ten feet, of course.
You mean like how in RPO the protagonist, in reaction to a COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED TWIST re: his bestest bro guy, takes the time to think about how this doesn't change anything because he's SO ACCEPTING and he still thinks of bestest bro guy as exactly the same person? And takes his sweet time acknowledging BBG's true…
I dunno, "shibboleth" does describe nerdy reference carpet-bombing pretty well. Distinguishing the in-group and even (or especially) signifying who's "superior" for knowing it fits that aspect of nerdery rather well.
Please, somebody know what book this is. Write it, if necessary.
Pedantry always finds a way…
It's a very kindly-written review for a book that sounds agonizing to read.
*angrily tweets the address of the One Tree Hill production office*
The reception of the finale might help open things up. That, plus the fact Nick can't fool anybody at this point. Barring a few "they can't possibly be lesbians they're just good friends!!!" comments downstream, of course…
BioWare + Bryke would be dangerous. There's only so much money to spend and only so many hours of your life to give. Then again, yes please,
You get one or the other. Never both! Never both.
And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards fedoras!
Cosby probably wouldn't be the only customer, either. Or the supplier only ever dealt with Cosby, and there's gonna be a body at some point.
Jewish kid at Hogwarts? Easy. Wiccan kid gets a letter one day? There's your complications.
Grindelwald might have worked with the Nazis to a point, but if Germany had come out on top, there's no way he wouldn't eventually launch a coup of his own. His end goal was basically "end the statute of secrecy + subjugate Muggles".
It's pretty ridiculous that the only cross-cultural violence in centuries is the wizard Klan torturing and killing Muggles, but wizards are like "oh, the Muggles can't know about us, they'd come to us for solutions to everything!" We have the internet, dicks. You're just scared we'll find out how shitty you've been.
I, for one, am utterly shocked. Shocked!
Pretty much. Maybe it is just nostalgia, but the way music sounded in that time period feels like a better fit for Christmas. Even listening to a recent cover of an old song can be weird, if it's got too much of a modern touch.