Bored Intern

I suppose dozens of people have already proposed this, but couldn't she be writing Robin instead of Littlefinger? I feel like that's the kind of thing this show would pull.

I think the more PC answer is that everyone whose gender identity doesn't conform with their biological sex as assigned at birth can be considered transgender, but not all of them have necessarily had any surgeries or medical treatments (hormones, etc.) to help move their physical bodies/outward appearance in that

I suppose not, but it just sounds so affected. Like, I heard an interview with Prince Harry the other day and he sounded more street than her natural speaking voice.

Except Daisy Ridley, who inexplicably actually talks like that.

Triple if you count the video Elizabeth found at Don and Young Hee's place.

I almost wish there were some option like the "binge watch" reviews of Netflix shows - I'm sure we'll get at least one FYC thinkpiece that uses this album as a focus but it's a shame that the official grade has to be in less than 48 hours after release. I'd like to think this grade might get revised higher than a B

"Most of the movie’s writing is so terrible that a lack of outright hate speech starts to feel like a major positive" got an actual laugh-out-loud from me.

Unfortunately, I think it was anachronistic. According to Wikipedia, it was established in 1998. Trains were still running on the old railroad line in 1983.

The show has made clear in the past (I think when Arkady was trying to press Stan re: Nina?) that the KGB prides itself on holding up their end of the bargain and being honest on these things. I have no idea if that was historically true, but it seems true in this show's universe, for what it's worth. A last-minute

Excellent album by an awesome band.

I am exactly 28 (getting a little too old for the "Intern" moniker).

<- Had no idea that Everlast was part of House of Pain. Did everyone know that?

Sorry I stepped on your point with literally the exact same point above.

1977's top ten hits:

I thought Anthony Kiedis would've made a good Iggy Pop at some point fifteen years ago. No idea if he can act, but he looks the part and has the stage presence.

Did anyone else see the ad that Banks cut for D.C. statehood during the first or second commercial break? I'm in the D.C. area so it might have been local. But it also said "call your Senator" and I don't have one. Can anyone confirm if it aired nationally?

I didn't hear him say anything about clients. He said the vomit was from one of two possible defendants, but he might have met them in an interrogation room or something. Did I miss something?

I -no joke- attended the movie in its opening weekend with intention of waiting for the "YOU SUNK MY BATTLESHIP" line and just standing up, applauding, and walking out. I spent ten bucks to sit by by myself through Rihanna and Taylor Kitsch acting for what I thought was a pretty good bit and it never even panned out.