Bored Intern

Maybe it could be more about his home life? And his simmering conflict with an annoying teenage neighbor?

I don't know, Nacho had time to get away after they heard the sirens coming. And the punching didn't start until after that. Maybe Mike could have drawn things out/accelerated the situation once he knew the police were close?

Generation Shrill

Check out Sleepers from 1996, which is also very useful in Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Documentaries can compete for Best Editing? Shouldn't they win every year?

Honestly if I hadn't seen the latest season of the show, I'd have probably believed you.


Wait, is that Daisy Ridley's natural speaking voice? She sounds like Giles doing Shakespeare.

I think as far as Jimmy knows, he's still alive as of BB S02 E08 "Better Call Saul." When Jesse and Walt kidnap him, he says "No no no, it wasn't me. It was Ignacio, he's the one!" Then he starts babbling in Spanish. I think Jimmy's heading for another run-in with Tuco in the near future.

Oh my God it has replies from Iron Sheikh and Martin Shkreli.

Bureau of Engraving and Printing/Treasury. The Fed controls how much money is in circulation but they don't literally print the things.

Do you guys mind keeping it down? I am TRYING to do DRUGS!

Shouldn't that have been a *tuba fall-off*?

Is Catch Me if You Can too much of a Christmas movie for this list? Because after Trading Places and Die Hard, that's my go-to non-holiday holiday movie.

He was also recently arrested trying to sell pot in Washington Square Park, I think. According to Wikipedia, he's also into saving squirrels.

Is your name a reference to the stalled-out Shane Carruth project?

I mean, I agree with you and I'm absolutely baffled that any woman would ever take on the project of marriage/childraising (I'm a married straight dude in his late 20s, for what it's worth). But don't share those sentiments too loud, or the species might not be able to perpetuate itself.

Did you mean to say this in an article about the Bourne franchise? Because I laughed out loud.

But how will meth-addicted 17-year-olds gain valuable management experience now?

"You're so naive, Lemon. The Hand people are a Vietnamese slave tribe and Usa is their island prison."