Bored Intern

Great interview - Win comes across as super thoughtful and even though I'm not a huge fan of this record I still love the band and I'm looking forward to seeing them live this fall.

I've mentioned this here before, but Brad Pitt gave an amazing interview somewhere about this role. He said the role was written specifically for him and that during filming he went to one of the Coens asking for notes because he didn't know how to play a character that was "so dumb." Whichever Coen it was just gave

Just got my tickets this morning to see her in November. I saw her in a ridiculously tiny venue when she was supporting the first album (and did a great cover of "Dig a Pony") but I've missed her every time since.

Does Neil Cicierega count? "Musical comedy act" is not the first set of words I'd used to describe the Mouth Trilogy but it definitely makes me laugh.

A friend who had a consulting gig at the Department of Labor sent me a video of their mail robot roaming the hallways. It's still employed there, or at least it was three or four years ago.

I think the woman's husband was back on the ranch with the kids and she was talking about a stranger disappearing in front of her in the grocery store. But yes, that is definitely a point in Nora's favor that's being overlooked.

I liked Deadspin's take on that complaint, especially the bit at the beginning about the post-show parts of Shut Up and Play the Hits: http://theconcourse.deadspi…

Agreed that there's too much (good!) TV these days.

Awesome, I liked that episode but didn't catch the music at the time. Happy to be wrong and will look forward to that on my upcoming re-watch after the series ends.

I'll be listening for that in my upcoming re-watch, then.

I'm pretty sure the "Where Is My Mind" piano cue you're thinking of was from another show, which I'm going to put in nested spoiler tags because even its presence is kind of a spoiler for that other show: The show is Mr. Robot, when at the end of the first season, they used the tune to acknowledge the source of the

Destroying property won't get a lawyer disbarred, but destroying evidence would be another story.

Also from Twitter:

Where I'm from they call that "squat cobbler."

Yes. Also Stan gave Oleg the FBI's surveillance records (of Oleg) early in their collaboration.

She wasn't _just_ for sex.

It almost feels cliche to make a Matrix comparison, but it really feels like someone on the outside has been trying to wake us up to something for the last year or so.

Agreed. During the bit in the studio where he gets all offended by the sequencer I said something like "so this movie takes place in a universe where Herbie Hancock never happened, I guess."

I was just talking about this with a friend. When did this terrible trend start? I said the choral cover of "Creep" in The Social Network's trailer was the beginning of it, but he pointed to the cover or "Mad World" in Donnie Darko. I was too lazy to look up whether that was actually used in the trailer or just on the

I didn't even fucking thinking about that. God, now I'm pissed all over again.