Bored Intern

This Grantland article about Kareem and the book and his attitude toward being a famous athlete is worth checking out: http://grantland.com/the-tr…

My Dear Lord Viking,

Speaking of, what about the current governor of California and that hippie from the 70s?

At least that bit was saved for the commentaries. In The Newsroom, Aaron Sorkin was obsessively and angrily screaming in the audience's face during the actual show. One time he reached through the screen and grabbed my tie.

Man Reposted Seinfeld Quotes really missed an opportunity here.

Kimmel, most likely.

I think part of the point of showing the sexual violence in particular is showing how fucked up it is to use inheritance and marriage to run a political system. When daughters are married off to seal alliances, the idea of consent kind of goes out the window. While what happened to Sansa this season was certainly

I liked his enthusiastic pointing UP! for Pete's fortunes, and Pete's little glance upward as if there was something up there to see. Had to watch that again once or twice.

Proving once again that Anna Kendrick is better than the rest of us at Twitter.

"Even if God - pick your diety, whatever - came down from the mountain and bestowed on us the knowledge and ability to play "Freebird" we still wouldn't play it for you because life is too fucking short to waste twenty minutes on that goddamn song."

Stan literally said "hi Megan" but Harry just dismissed him with "very funny" and kept going.

In that light, how did Sarah Paulson get cast as the psycho wife? I mean, she was awesome and I always like when she shows up in stuff but she's nowhere near the kind of big name of all of the other small parts in that movie.

Dude, no. That computer operator coming back means that the show's slowest-burning plot thread (here's what I said in the S2 finale recap: https://disqus.com/home/dis… is about to come back to life. The day Stan needed to get Oleg's surveillance file was the same week they moved to a computerized file system, and

I'm pretty sure it's just a Doom-bot he ends up confronting anyway. But I guess any end to "Luke Cage steals the Fantasti-car and flies it to Latveria to collect a $200 tab from Dr. Doom" wasn't going to live up to the premise.

Criminals, even the successful or famous ones, are rarely as creative or smart as movies would make you think. Picture a couple of down-on-their luck drunks at one corner of the bar, having just realized that the score from their liquor store holdup is barely going to cover their tab tonight:

My favorite was when he reported on a feud between Robert Smith and Morrissey with a catty "who are these people and why should we care?" Fuck you, Cooper, you were definitely listening to the Smiths in high school.

Wrapping things back to our favorite song I've always thought that Glenn Howerton should play Lindsey Buckingham in a Fleetwood Mac biopic, then James Deen should play him in the inevitable porn parody.

Look at the guy to Jay's right (our left) who is loving every second of it. "Oh fuck, oh shit, motherf- ahahah."

Also, Dan advises people to smoke pot all the time. I'm aware that there are differences, but it seems massively hypocritical to go out of your way to give this lecture when you regularly advise people to inhale burning hot tar filled smoke that contains THC, rather than nicotine.

Basically my friend and my experience with Upstream Color, which might be the best modern analogue for 2001.