
What are you referring to though? You're making all these broad statements about the way that female students are "told" things, apparently collectively, and the way "we" treat things. Everyone has different experiences, and I would counter that I was told many times, by many authority figures the dangers of getting

You clearly don't understand what a "strawman" is.
But yeah, keep being abrasive assholes to anyone who dare question you. Because questioning you isn't explicitly helping victims of rape, then you must obviously be in the right.

But what do I know, i'm just an MRA, despite the fact that I work for a democratic congresswoman and actually do shit pertaining to this subject as opposed to you who i'm going to go out on a limb and assume sits around and jerks off about how fucking pure and righteous you are because of how willing you are to parrot

Yeah this is about me, personally, being unwilling to lead a society wide debate on rape culture. And because i'm unwilling to do that, then obviously you are correct and rape culture exists. Personal attacks are a real great way to stress the existence of a societal theory.

Nobody "just" focus's on that though. Any time anyone even offhandedly mentions that maybe it's not a good thing for college students to get black out drunk and go to frat houses it's held as an example of victim blaming.
There is always this talk of there needing to be a "discussion" about rape. What does that even

No that's considered victim blaming too. Don't you know how awful all the police everywhere are? And stop policing young women's bodies. Pervert.

Wow you're an idiot and an asshole.

make it more appealing to people…not just men. Nowhere in his statement did he say men. Plenty of women are turned off by the aggressive militant attitude sometimes employed by feminists, and the you're either with us or against us attitude isn't helping matters.

Nothing can ever be discussed intelligently because of people like you.
I'm not an MRA you fucking idiot. I post here all the time. Using a boogeyman to shut down any discussion or debate about something is pretty immature and indicative of someone who doesn't have a firm grasp of the subject they are discussing.

Yes. Yet for some reason I can't remember ever hearing the phrase murder culture, used. These are all useless, poorly defined and understood phrases that ultimately mean at best nothing and at worst are used as a device to shut down debate when uncomfortable things are being discussed.

So do we have a murder and robbery culture as well because people tell their kids not to go into bad areas at night or carrying cash? I mean, people get robbed, ergo , robbery culture exists.

What are you even talking about? So basically your argument is the vaguely defined thing you believe to be accurate, is accurate because it's possible for people to dispute claims made under the guise of it (rape culture)? That is…. ridiculous.

Yeah me telling someone who shouted someone down for having the audacity to be a man and have an opinion here equals me thinking that rapists are not a problem. Great logic there.
But then again I don't know what race or gender you are so the appropriate response is unclear. Because that matters.

Thank god you're here to make sure nothing is discussed on it's merits alone, but rather by *who* is allowed to make arguments about anything in the first place.
Really productive. People like you are part of the problem.

Just reading that made me cringe deeply.

Camera equipment i'm guessing?

Landlord. Immediately. I feel for you. Had to suffer through a similar situation for 6 months last year.

You should probably calm down.

Yeah this sounds like the beginning to a reasonable conversation.
Not hyperbolic at all.

Because I think they make a fuck ton of money from small children and other idiot demographics.