
Wow that piece about how objectivity in journalism has to die is one of the saddest most poorly thought out things I've ever read.
Let's just toss out every pretense of thinking anything through and just separate into our own little tribes and start fighting already.

That's because to you this isn't about substance. It's about what tribe you allign yourself with and staying loyal to that tribe regardless of the circumstances.
And you're not even right in that regard. See Bernie sanders getting interrupted and having the stage taken from him at several rallies so that BLM activists

Eh, Wanderlust was ok. But I can't disagree with you. Film comedies seem all but dead.

I feel sorry for you.

The "pursuit of my job"? I don't know what you mean by that. And honestly I don't think you know what intellectually dishonest means either. Again, I thought you were done with me.

Ok, lets be clear here. I think that no matter how low Tina Fey sinks, nothing she will do can be comparable to the depths that Adam Sandler movies sink to.
It's tough to get new movies made….no appetite for risk.

I think the explanation would be that those were the parts they were cast in.

I mean…objectively they're not racist. As fuck or otherwise.

I thought you were done talking to me. Surprising. And no. I feel no superiority to anyone. I don't know what you even mean by that. I'm not a dumb 18 or 19 year old college kid who doesn't understand how the world works so I certainly feel intellectually superior. I also work on global hunger issues for my job, so

Or you could stop asking people to explain comedy just because people like you seem pathologically unable to understand what a joke is.

Haha. Ok. Like I said that's not the case as I'm sure almost any objective observer would agree, but people like you are incapable of ceding an inch on anything much less capable of rational discussion. Because to people like you this isn't about the actual situation. It's about projecting moral superiority. Anyway

Ok well you're wrong but thanks anyway! It's pretty clear that you don't have the mental ability to discuss this any further regardless.

Why don't you tell us then? I mean what could possibly be wrong with a hysterical internet lynch mob that seems to think that it should get to control editorial decisions in the creation of art to suit their exact sensibilities.

Haha. Yeah I bet that's your response to a lot of things. Run away and declare yourself right under some vague reasoning involving semantics. Must be nice. Have a good one. I'm sure you'll be back to arrogantly bully people who you perceive not to agree with you later on as per usual.

Lol at you calling anything "reactionary". And you're right in that there is no official "platform" for these unaffiliated groups. However I don't think it's arguable that they equate the ability to police and punish speech at the university level and their ability to "be safe". What do you think the end game of that

Yeah that's totally fair. "Anyone who disagrees with me is a bad person".
Such an innovative approach. Surely you're the first person to come up with such a brilliant bulletproof tactic in asserting your moral superiority while arguing anything.

"Not that the protesters are demanding that anyone's opinions be made illegal, as you imply ."
Actually that's not true. They're certainly implying their right to exist in a public space without having to hear things which they disagree with. They're asking that people expressing certain opinions or statements be

What do you even mean by this?

Ok….and that toxic environment is what? Regardless of if the accusations have merit or not, the "toxic" environment" they want something done about is generally comments that have been made or views that people hold. Things a college administration for the most part can't legally control, or punish people for.

Yes…and we as a society agree that that should not be the case.