Shh! You want to get sued!?!?
Shh! You want to get sued!?!?
Bacon not steak you son of a bitch
This definitely justifies an article.
I think you're responding in outrage to someone elses comment. I understand that you're got a lot of balls in the air at once.
I bet if you say strawman a few more times you'll understand what it really means.
I'm not angry you're just wrong.
Agreed. Who specifically should be on SNL that isn't? Who?
This looks to be a productive discussion.
And one more time since you don't seem to be able to grasp this concept.
Yeah and that macro-analysis definitely carries over into literally every job imaginable especially…ESPECIALLY, the casting of a weekly sketch comedy show on NBC.
Yeah because anyone who won't get on the bandwagon for your "SNL is actively and purposefully not hiring minorities" argument clearly isn't a REAL liberal.
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
no kidding.
You're implying that there is an active conspiracy on the part of SNL to not hire minorities; ignoring of course that SNL is 30%.
Yeah it has nothing to do with casting people who are actually funny and ready to be a part of a once a week live sketch show.
This doesn't have to do with demographics or quotas, it has to do with the kinds of people who try out for SNL and their individual talents.
I don't understand how no one has given you your…
So what exactly was the problem?
You bitched about lack of minorities on SNL, he pointed out that SNL is 30% black and you are still bitching. It seems like maybe this isn't about SNL at all but instead about your need to bitch.
So what specific people should they have hired as cast members then? You seem to have a whole lot of info on the inside track since you're outright accusing them of deliberately discriminating against minorities.
I don't think even close to as many people are obsessed about the racial makeup of the cast as tumblr would want you to believe.
Yeah that sounds like a good way to cast a sketch comedy show.
Because of course thats how the story ends.
You should send that joke into Leno, I bet he'd use it in his monologue on his show that still exists since clearly based on this joke it's the 90's again.