
You might need to punch up the punctuation there a little.

Lol lets be real you don't pay a significant amount of money in taxes. Anyway, that's a conservative line. They aren't "your" tax dollars anymore than they are everyone else's. If everyone got to decide what their specific tax money was allotted to the system would cease to exist.

You mean the bs that you try to force down everyone's throats? An av staffer said much the same thing as I did down thread, and was called a victim blamer. Boy that's some culture you've got around here. No wonder so many regulars in the past have left. It's because of you and the people like you on here.
These people

Lol. No one asked you anything ever.

I guess I don't spend as much time on here as you.

Keep scoring those Internet points though. They are meaningful and worth something.

I'm sure you're a really great and successful person with a satisfying and happy life.

That is actually, specifically, what I was trying to get across as well. But now all of a sudden I'm an MRA and trying to silence women.

So now I'm an mra huh? Jesus you people are shallow. Congrats on using that as a tactic to silence anyone who might deign to disagree with you about some meaningless bullshit like a Twitter campaign. But yeah I'm definitely a men's rights activist. After all I work for a democratic member of congress who is a woman

You're both such heroes for defending these already successful women who were made to feel uncomfortable one time. Nothing says male hostility like someone who doesn't know you thinking you have a job you don't. No one should have to go through that.

Great. Enjoy them. I assume you speak for everyone here. Maybe you can start a club where you talk about how much more important your feelings are than everyone elses.

Enjoy this forum, as I assume it's the only place where your opinion means jack fucking shit. Goodbye.

What the fuck does that even mean?
There is no universal experience of being a woman. You speak for no one except yourself. Just because you feeeeeel something very strongly does not make that thing objectively true. You don't seem to understand that.

And by that you mean agree with everything you say. Because you're a woman and you feel something. So thus it must be right.

People like you are literal poison. You don't represent anyone except for yourself. And you're an asshole. Not a very smart one either I might add.

Haha. That might be the funniest thing you've ever typed.

Yeah because you represent all the women in the world. A monolithic group really. Everyone is as thin skinned and ridiculous as you. I'm sorry for whatever mental illness you have. Keep using that crutch. I'm sure everyone who disagrees with you is a raging sexist.

And because I have to watch people like you eat the left wing alive on a daily basis with your nonstop bullshit identity politics. Good luck with your feelings. A lot of people outside tumblr are going to take that garbage seriously.

No…no it doesn't. At all in fact.

Ok….and how am I doing that?