
Ok well that is not what is happening here so I don't know how that is applicable.
And I don't know why you feel the need to copy and paste the same thing you wrote before.
Have you ever considered not being unbelievably hostile and condescending to anyone who has the gall to disagree with you?

I'm not? Sorry, I didn't realize that you are allowed to have opinions and i'm not by virtue of my sex.
Congrats on assuming that anyone who might disagree with you over some slight fucking issue must be arguing in bad faith though. Because really there's no other explanation for it is there?

There is a difference between feeling something and sharing a story publicly as an example of "hostility" that they've faced in the music industry. This isn't a private conversation between acquaintances these people are all sharing this in a public forum which makes it fair game.

no you're wrong about the specific facts of the case as presented by several exhaustive reports at both the state and federal level. Just because "somebody" told you something doesn't make it true.

Because no one's feelings (or how they profess them) can ever be wrong. Bad or dumb people who willfully take things out of context to get attention or give themselves an advantage don't exist across every single swath of society?
Everyone is arguing everything in good faith?
Because that's not how I see the world.

Or it's that you're massively uninformed. Either way I guess.
But good play, it's not that you're clearly unambiguously wrong, it's that you weren't UNDERSTOOD.
congrats on your ignorance. Hope that gets you far. Maybe you can talk to durhams black community about that.

Oh and btw it's "bee tee dubs" if you're abbreviating "by the way" and trying to sound all cool and disaffected. Sorry, didn't mean to mansplain that to you. You can use whatever abbreviations you want. Don't let the patriarchy hold you down.

Boy you sound like a reasonable person. But then again I wouldn't want to "mansplain" to you, which apparently means any time a man says anything to anyone.

Wow…you cannot really mean this. Please tell me this is a joke.

No it's just that it's laughably dramatic and pretty much out right false.

Are you fucking kidding me? Victim?
Christ this garbage is so out of hand already.
Apparently now minor perceived slights have "victims". This country is fucked.

The examples given here (outside maybe 2) don't make it clear that anything like that happened though.

It does not appear that it was.

Just read that in a "best albums of all time" list her top four selections were all albums by The National. So I'm going to have to go out on a limb and disagree with you there.

You have no idea that that's the case though. Absolutely none. I mean that's the implication being presented but generally young people are, especially when dealing with grizzled industry veterans, all assumed to be the help. And i'm uncomfortable casting it one way or another based on some social activism hashtag and

The prevailing opinion here seems to be that because sexism exists in the entertainment industry all of these complaints about seemingly minor slights are completely legitimate and should be treated as examples of "harsh marginalization". When it seems to me as if most of them can be dismissed as harmless and

That's not the argument I'm making.

I thought the YES one wasn't, the rolling stone one, the drummer one, the newspaper editor one.
I guess the rest are probably bad but there is so little information that it's hard for me to judge one way or another. I have a hard time taking someones word for it when their story is 1 sentence. My issue is more so with

There are a few that are probably legit.
