
You don't appear to be familiar with how quotes are used in English. Generally they are used to QUOTE someone on something they actually fucking said. Not what you decided to hear.
Fuck off dude. Seriously. Write some more hot takes for FierceHealthCare. Sounds like a really important gig.

So do you go out of your way to be an asshole to random people or is that just kind of what happens? What is your intended purpose with this comment?

Thanks. I'm sure you're awesome.

Mmmmm, but in the 1st world we are.

I promise you it really doesn't. (re:what I do mattering)

yes. I hate guns. And I guess i'd like to think I need some semblance of meaning in my life to keep getting out of bed every day. Not that this job brings that but…I don't know. I don't know how I could look myself in the mirror. Also I work for someone who is absurdly anti gun so I don't think there is any risk of me

ok to be fair that was not my intention. My original statement was more of an exasperated hands up what the fuck can we do as opposed to being directed at anyone. Sorry if it came off like that.

no….no i'm not. I'm 28

Thats a great fucking question…. I make shit money and hate every single day of my life. I know nothing about guns so the Smith and Wesson thing isn't realistic. But as far as jumping ship and going into lobbying, the lobbying job market is not like it used to be. What is the use of lobbying when every single vote at

In the past. And not regarding issues like "we're the only civilized country in the world that has a problem with guns like this how the fuck are we going to fix this?" Americans….every day ordinary americans are willfully ignorant and they and their childrens children will likely stay that way.

Yes. I've voted in every election since I was 18. And wow I should really not be typing this, but I literally work in Congress as a staffer. I am well aware of the prospects of any legislation to address this. There is zero chance.

But they can't! It's a simple numbers game. Do we have the votes in Congress? No ok…end of story.
You can't make an entire country change their long held ignorant beliefs any way except waiting a generation or so and hoping for the best (on an individual level).

Oh and if I get really emotionally involved in it that will change something? That will somehow make americans less dumb and more inclined towards responsible gun control? that will force congressional action?
At some point you have to cut and run and think of your own mental well being. This shit is too much.

There won't be a jury however presumably. As he confessed.

Oh my god who cares? Nothing is going to be done about any of this, hope of any gun legislation is a fucking pipe dream, and everyone is going to forget this happened in a week and move on until the next mass shooting after which we can go through the motions and make a bunch of "profound" observations that will

Yup. Most of the characters in that movie were named after characters in Marx brothers movies.

You know what i'd absolutely love right now? To watch a four and a half minute shitty Jeremy Piven Entourage "short film" before every fucking thing I watch for…oh two weeks or so. That possible?

God damn east coast.

I've heard they play it multiple times during their shows.

Agreed. I am the first to admit that I have a problem letting things go.