
Not sure if anyone will see this but is there anyway a mod or someone could get "dr. unknown" banned? This person has never contributed anything except hostile, frankly incoherent, ad hominem attacks on other commenters and I can't see any reason for keeping them around. Anyway, just my two cents.

It's like being around a toddler that has figured out something that gets them attention. You have nothing to add to any conversation. You just want attention.

So apparently i'm castrated? What do you even mean by that? Oh wait, I forgot, you're a child so you're use words you have no real conception of that you're heard your parents use and you know are naughtttty.
Don't worry you'll grow up soon. And be jobless, and more miserable than you are now hopefully.

Why clearly the hatred of others is all that keeps you going?

LOLZ. Enjoy your life.

I imagine once you get out of college, or high school, that it will be a shock to you that no one is looking to hire some uneducated petulant little asshole for any jobs other than flipping burgers. And then you'll REALLY have something to be mad at the world about. I feel bad for your parents and anyone else who has

Yeah that's what it is. As opposed to, you know, being a reader of this site and seeing your fucking idiocy on a daily basis in the comment section. And trust me, you're the only one who is clearly miserable and incapable of behaving like a normal, decent, human being.

That continues to be soooo funny the thousandth time you write it.
You are such a funny, insightful person. And not at all a miserable piece of shit.

Has anyone ever upvoted a single one of your comments?

you've never had a serious discussion with anyone.
Oh and you should write lol more. It's really funny lol.

It's a real shame they continue to let you post here.

You have no "point" other than trying to be the biggest asshole to the largest amount of people online, because I suspect in real life people stopped hanging around you longgggg ago.

Please stop talking. No one is interested in what you think about anything you petulant little shithead.

I don't think Artie Lang has ever had anything to do with Mad TV

This is fantastic.

It's called a bidet.

But you know what they say: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

And it wasn't a bunch of students who were opposed to them, it was a few whiny perpetually offended types, and everyone capitulated to them because, ironically, they didn't want to seem like hateful individuals who don't support diversity. And therein is the problem with this type of diversity policing.

What if they were all friends? You are implying that they specifically went out of their way to exclude black people or minorities and you have absolutely no evidence or inkling of anything to the contrary. That's absurd. Your anecdotal experience does not apply to these specific individuals and their situation.

And my ideology being that people should be judged by their actions and character rather than the color of their skin or by diversity police like you, then yes. I am being ideologically rigid. I have no problem with that.