Some Lady

Whaaaa?  Did you smoke some of Shoshana's crack?  Haven't you ever seen a group of girls dancing around their purses?  And being very Hannah-like in my early-20s, I can tell you that she will continue to haul around that purse to parties unnecessarily for years to come.  It's like a security blanket.

Whaaaa?  Did you smoke some of Shoshana's crack?  Haven't you ever seen a group of girls dancing around their purses?  And being very Hannah-like in my early-20s, I can tell you that she will continue to haul around that purse to parties unnecessarily for years to come.  It's like a security blanket.

Personally, I like the Nick-Jess relationship and hope it eventually goes there.  It seems unfashionable to say so here but I'm writing this 70 weeks after the show aired anyway so who cares.  Yay UK living!  Overall I really enjoyed this episode, with two huge caveats:

So I'm just watching this now but came here because I hate clowns and am so happy they are out.  The humorless Christians of seasons recent were less irritating.  The clown man mentioned that "because we are clowns, we use humor to deal with life."  Fuck you, clown.  Clowns are not funny.  They are creepy.  They use

Thank you Mudderway.  I came here to rant about clowns, but seriously people.  That was an impersonator of Maradona in his heyday (actual Maradona in his heyday here: http://images.fanpop.com/im….

I agree with mudnstars that it looked like maternity wear.  As maternity wear it would have been great but as a gown for a woman not growing a human inside her it was ridiculously unflattering.  I don't understand why Jerrell was so orgasmic about it—doesn't he have eyes?

I absolutely loved this episode the first time I watched it, but I think that may just be pregnancy hormones.  I watched it again, and it didn't hold up.  Still, my beefed up progesterone is making me crazy for this show, so I can only change my grade from a rather ludicrous A to a too generous B+. 

Totally agree.  That whole thing where she was saying "Penis" in different permutations (pig latin, swedish, like a ghoul) had me crying with laughter.  Also loved the bit in the elevator where she whispered "I love it that you dance naked to Jamaican music!" as if whispering would stop the man standing three feet

I am still not a fan of Brandon but I did appreciate his internal struggle a little more this episode.  He genuinely seemed to glow with the thought of being someone's champion, for sticking up for the little guy.  It put his "I struggle with it all the time, good and evil, good and evil" into a real context, since up

Totally agree.  Also, I just couldn't buy Millicent behaving that way either.  Who the fuck goes to a party with THEIR DAD and dry humps/makes out with their boyfriend in front of him?  That is some fucked up shit.

I thought when they introduced her last season she had a spark—there was real chemistry between Nora and Barney.  She didn't put up with his nonsense *and* she could keep up with him (laser tag!).  But now she's just a cipher.  The writers also have put any effort into creating any real tension between Barney and


I got more that it was a peeping tom rubbing one out in the bushes, not a paedo.  Regardless, it had nothing to do with the idea of motion, particularly since a voyeur is by definition a static observer.  Lame sauce.  Should not have been in the top two.

Can we talk about how lame Ozzy is?  OK, maybe it'll be just me talking about it but I've got to vent.  He's become more and more insufferable with every season he's on and this time around his self of self-importance is unbearable.  I don't understand why a group of people would rally round a man with that ponderous,

Mendacity and Misdirection

My favorite bit:

That's a Queens accent Steve has, not a "New England" one.  Who's stupid now, muthafuckah!

That's pretty standard in Europe.  Giant stores that are open 24 hours and cater to your every whim are very American. 

I agree, I don't think they should be "model skinny," which is essentially emaciated.  They should be toned, have good skin/hair, and be able to walk like a badass. These girls wouldn't even cut it on ANTM.  Their walks are comically bad.

Ooo, I love to learn a new word.  But I don't think they look, as google defines it, bitter or sullen.  I think they just look shitty.  I usually don't even notice the models, but I have noticed them this season and how they are barely up to the job.  They are tall, and they are skinny, but they all have terrible