Some Lady

That's what I was thinking, too.  Tim isn't about to tell you what to do.  His method is somewhat Socratic, leading you to the answer with a series of questions and observations.  He'll only intervene when something is clearly horrid, and even then with an even tempered, "this concerns me."  It did seem that he was

I think Pauly has a lot of charisma and is very funny, but can be very unkind.  He is very good at reading people and generally knows what he *should* do/say in any given situation, but whenever he's caught off guard he can be a real dick.  Like how he's been shitting all over Deena.  And whenever there is drama, he

Boston accents
John Slattery's accent was perfect. I actually said to my husband, "he must be from Boston because usually people get it totally wrong [hello Julianne Moore] but he is nailing it." Sure enough, he is from the Boston area. So suck it, Leonard Pierce.

It's the small moments that make this show
I'm with you, Marty. I like Will. She's very intelligent, funny and open-minded. However, she's also like awounded animal, which limits her ability to see that other people's pain and points of view are valid. Basically, she is a teenager. Her bravado and snarky

Personally I feel like they rushed the conclusion of the baby/fake baby/Puck's the dad story lines which were anchoring the show…and the writers didn't have a plan beyond that. Now it's just "Oh, everyone likes the dancing and the tunes and Sue Sylvester being delightfully bizarre and blah, blah, blah." I

No way! Mike V is a douche. Brian's all noble and tall with big hands. Definitely the more bangable V.

It was the best night ever
http://itwasthebestnighteve… replays "The Sexless Innkeeper." It's fun that CBS did that but would have been better if it played several of Marshall's montages, including some un-aired ones.