The Dilettantista

I was disappointed that no one was serving Frida Kahlo Surrealist unibrow realness.

I just love a good Dia de Los Muertos look, and so does Ru apparently.  I don't think I've ever seen her as startled/impressed as she was this episode during Jinkx's runway reveal and the lip sync.  I'm so glad the lip sync was truly great and that the queens gave it their all.  Coco has got. to. go. though.


They're gonna clamma for my glammmaaaaa.

This is my concern with Alaska—she has the same silhouette every time and it looks like her red dress big black wig for Telenovela Challenge Runway is going to be similar.  I mean yay girl you found a look that works for you but play with it a bit, especially in a competition setting. (I love Alaska I just don't want

I mean as long as I can say to someone "YOU'LL ALL HAVE CHINS" and mean it, I'm good.  I could also pull faces in the mirror with Alyssa all the live long day.

I know this is probably not why they are skipping a week, but next Monday is the first night of Passover, so I like to think that they are taking next Monday off because RUPAUL LOVES THE JEWS. 

Sequinced dress was pretty great, as was "WHERE MY PEOPLE AT."  I liked her much more at the beginning however, her shtick is wearing thin (hahaha look what I did there).

Alyssa just seems like she'd be fun to hang out with — she's sort of goofy and clueless and she has no chin.

Coco is an evil, evil queen—and isn't she one of the oldest in the bunch?  I thought most queens got a bit of class and humility along with their wrinkles.  She is really one of the MEANEST and most clueless queens I have ever encountered on this show. Her attempted read of Jinkx just proved how out of touch she is

YESSSS.  Screaming.

Where my people at.  Where my people at.

But not her nose?!?!?

This morning, while getting dressed, I kept yelping "WHERE MY PEOPLE AT?!" and cracking up.  Good lord I LOVE this show.

I'm sure Ivy knew it—she knows her fashion references and her gay references.  She just comes off as such a blank slate.

Alaska for. ever.  I don't think she was part of the Ro-Laska-Tox vs. Jinkx battle—I bet she and Jinkx-sy are friends, they've just edited it all out for DRAMA.

GET THEE TO WATCH GREY GARDENS NOW.  You will be better for it.

YES PLEASE.  Christine Ebersole forever.  I love that musical, both she and Mary Louise Wilson KILLED it.  I saw it when I was still in college; that was totally me, weeping in the front row, as Little Edie tried to escape the house with its digital cats and raccoon.  Grey Gardens forever.

Welcome!  We don't throw too much shade around these hurr parts.  And GOOD FOR YOU for teaching your twelve your old what is important in life, seriously; a fabulous group of middle-aged gay men took me under their wing when I was twelve (it is simultaneously less weird and less glamorous than I am making it sound, I

As long as we don't get a reenactment of Jiggly chair-rolling across the front row, shrieking "SNOOKI WANT SMUSH SMUSH," this season's Snatch Game will be so much better than last season's. I will never, ever for as long as I live be able to forget that dreadful, dreadful moment in time.