The Dilettantista

Well, someone just got herself a new Facebook cover photo.

Matzo brei! Chag Sameach and Happy Hannibal Passover y'all.


Drag U is just embarrassing, I can't believe that half of those women are REAL. This is the part where, if I were feeling more thoughtful, I'd take it into like, a feminist corner and talk about what it means that so many women are either rejecting or don't know about things that are stereotypically feminine (and

Also was anyone else just totally drained because they tried to follow the Met Ball coverage AND the Drag Race finale at the same time?!?!  I can't remember the last time I was so mentally and emotionally exhausted.

Lil' Poundcake should have won the whole thing.

Oh favorite moments!  Um, Alyssa Edwards' pronunciation of "Shade' in the kid's show challenge, Chaz Bono/Cher's Vagina, the entire Red for Filth commercial, Little Edie via Little Jinkxy, the little derpy derp flag, basically the entirety of Ru's ballet sequence (but especially the black swan showdown with Alyssa),

Whaaaaat am I going to do without my people?!?!  I feel so alone in the universe when Drag Race isn't on television.

Someone might have already beat me to it, but Logo posted a video of the real reactions:

Two weeks?!?!  Oh Ru, why, why, why (I know why but still, WHY).

My heart just sank when I saw Jinkx's runway looks, they were really a disaster and while I love her, I would love for her to pull off a few modern/contemporary looks with flair and panache and style.  At this point I'd be pleased if Jinkx or Alaska won—although how cool would it be to have a two-crown couple, Sharon

Such a fun episode, the girls who do well do their best to work with what they have instead of trying to mold their little butch children into a perfect facsimile of what they want.  Jinkx worked with her partner's limitations rather than against him and it paid off fantastically.  Roxxxy bitched and moaned but I'm

THAT WAS MEEE.  I was cackling.  Dreams do come true (although sometimes as nightmares so, wash).

Do you think he still has dreams of his crush, the dearly departed Alyssa Edwards, because his fangirling all over her was ADORABLE. 

How come no one has ever read Roxxxy for her typical makeup giving her a nose-job look?  This is the first week I haven't been all WHAT IS UP WITH HER NOSE.

Remember when they had that America challenge and Raja came out in that giant Native American headdress (because she's Indian get it?) and it was amazing?  Flawless dot com.

OMFG yes.  I'm sure Jinkx has seen all of those movies ALL OF THEM.

This is very true—inspired and creative is a much better way to put it.
