The Dilettantista

SHAME SHAME SHAME on ALL THE QUEENS who have never seen Paris is Burning, SHAME.  Also, what Drag Queen doesn't know who Leigh Bowery is?  Good God Girl Get a Grip.

I don't know who it was because my cable was on the fritz for a good 25 minutes of the episode (basically, all the prep time, wahhhh) but if it was Lineysha at least she has the "I'm not from America" thing as an excuse…but still, isn't Diana Ross super duper famous all over?

My cable started fritzing on all channels that were not NBC/ABC/CBS during the first commercial break and straightened itself out just before the final challenge, so I missed all the preparation stuff in between.  As you can imagine it was THE WORST—I'll have to watch the middle tonight, but at least I saw the Magnum

How can the other queens think that Little Edie is too obscure?!  This makes me angry in the same way that Jiggly not knowing what Stonewall was makes me angry (and the same way that Abdi on Work of Art not knowing who David Hammons was made me angry).  What drag queen (or person decently versed in gay culture)

Same reaction to you and to Kate Monday—in what hole in the ground has Vivienne been living?  This isn't RuPaul's "We Love Boring Drag Queens, Don't Be an Attention Whore" Race. 

I hated her wig too.  It is okay.  You can hold onto your gay card.  I can hold onto my gay-man-in-a-Jewish-woman's-body card.

Well now I feel like a ROYAL BITCH.  I just assumed that she was serving up awful plastic surgery realness but evidently now I am just serving up ROYAL BITCH realness.  I will be less mean to Detox from now on because I think she's pretty fabulous in general, she just is sort of scary out of drag (kind of like Raven,

The reaction shot of the judges after "The Magic Bush" had me howling, well played.  I'm a bit disappointed that the teams weren't judged as groups but it is understandable, considering that both teams had some real boogers.  My brain exploded when I saw Alaska not in drag—doesn't she remember how (London, Paris)

I figured there was a reason, that's a pretty good one, still not going to keep the boyfriend in the room though. 

My boyfriend can't handle how Ru pronounces "Faculty" on Drag U.  If he happens to be in the room while I am watching it, he'll run out screaming. 

When Serena was talking about drag as a performance and an art form I just wanted to slap her—she was clearly regurgitating some Judith Butler excerpts that one of her theory professors told her to read.  Squirrelfriend thinks she's so smart, referencing Miss Judy B.  It was reminiscent of some of  my worst

One of my FB friends said that as long as you are anatomically still male (I guess this means as long as there is something to tuck) you can still perform in drag competitions and pageants and whatnot.  I'm not sure where boobs, either hormonally aided or surgically created, fall in the spectrum.  Additionally, do we

Burn.  GO GATORS!  (I'm not sure how I feel about Jade Jolie yet but she has my support regardless because she's a Gainesville girl.  UClub 4eva).

Latoya's coming back this season right?  I gagged when I saw her in the green screen Hollywood tour montage last week.

@avclub-dce6d9e1b376fa2c0963018937fde5ff:disqus I have an Art History MA too—the studio art majors in both my undergrad and graduate programs were required to take a handful of art history courses and at least one had to be contemporary—I just don't see how you don't cover David Hammons there.  Additionally, most

Ack how do I reply to the people who replied to me down below?  These comments are confusing.  Anyways:

Wowowowowow I like Jinkx so much now.  Hedwig is great.  Some of these queens need to be SCHOOLED.  Remember last season when the older queens had to school the younger queens on Stonewall?  That was embarrassing.  It reminded me of season 1 of Bravo's Work of Art, where Abdi (who eventually went on to win the sing),

I saw that promo and I lost mind, it seems so obvious.  Love Little Edie!  Jinkx very much has a Tammie Brown feel to her no lie.  Grey Gardens for life (life…life..life…)!

I actually liked her look too and was surprised the judges didn't keep her for the comments portion—it was DIFFERENT and also a fun take on "Hollywood glam" and she really committed to it.  However, I wish she'd take out the colored contacts during her confessionals, they're a little alarming.

Yeah, fish for dinner every night is so dull.  I don't love anyone yet (except for maybe Roxxxy Andrews but she does have a Shannel vibe to her doesn't she?) whereas last season I was very much "SHARON IS THE BEST HOORAY FOR SHARON" from day one.  I more or less had the same feeling about Raja too.