Regis Turd

Don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but the fixation on Tallahassee is hilarious.  My wife is from there (born and raised and an FSU grad) and I've spent a lot of time there.  It's basically South Georgia.  It's a long way from the beach, no one speaks Spanish or wears pastels, and I doubt Gloria Estefan



This show is moronic.  We were at a friend's house last night and I was forced to sit in a room for 15 minutes while it was on and I thought my head was going to explode.

He [Laughs] a lot.

I'm dreaming of an Adam Sandler, Michael Bay and Dawes suicide pact.

Do like Ike Turner and hit her with your shoe.


Read a book. 

You don't like Fair Warning?  Them's fighting words.

More like plastic surgery abuse. Amirite?

They gave my book a C+,
And whitey's on the moon.

This may be a dumb question since I don't watch the show— but doesn't it follow the books, and haven't most of the viewers read the books?

I was made for loving you, Outlaw Pete.

I can't stop Louvin, you.

Awesomeness indeed.  Also can't wait to see if Blood Meridian makes it to the screen this decade.

Although not technically a new song (a rough acoustic draft appeared on Suitcase) my favorite Pollard neo-classic is Dorothy's a Planet from The Planets Are Blasted.  Check it out if you haven't!

I did say sorry about the "Old woman!" but from behind….

Bloody peasant!