Regis Turd

Did you even read the article? It wasn't about the film. Which, incidentally, is inarguably great.

We knew Ute ruin it.

I love Joni and hope she makes a full recovery. I'm 50 and was a little young to appreciate her during the 70s and 80s, but have been a full on fan for the last two decades. Other than Dylan or McCartney, I can't think of anyone else in popular music whose passing would devastate me as much as hers would. Just

Top medium- to big-city law firms do not hire associate lawyers without top credentials, period. I was thinking that Hamlin was going to offer him an ongoing Of Counsel gig (not just Of Counsel back pay for services already performed).

I think you nailed it and I think the episode was even pretty explicit on that. Chuck's rant at the end basically says this.

I think that's too much time to cover in only 6 more episodes….wow I just made myself sad. I would like to see them catch up with the present by end of Season 2, though.

You misspelled "100%".

Another day, another shitty "supercut". I assume we can blame this trend on the fact that the unemployed have way too much time on their hands. Thanks Obama!

Child of God is one of your favorite books? It's not even in McCarthy's best half dozen.

Was Aimee Mann "indie," or just unpopular? She was on Epic throughout the 80s, and her last two solo albums pre-Lebowski (edit: duh) were on Geffen. Her indie career on Superego didn't start until 2000….

If you haven't seen his Lost in America, it's one of the funniest and most quotable comedies ever.

If Cannes and the Academy are being discriminatory in not giving their top prizes to female directors, then it follows there must have been some films directed by women which should have won but didn't. I can't think of any, but that doesn't mean there aren't any….

Sorry Dennis, this was an A- episode. It could actually sit on the shelf with Classics Simpsons and not embarrass itself. I haven't laughed this much at a Simpsons episode in several season.

Loved the Fear reference. New York's all right if you like saxophones. That was the first punk record I bought.

I think I love your post.

Sixthed. I don't care enough about any of these people or their pop culture tastes to watch them talk about themselves in a video.

I read this site every day and I know what kind of site it is. So why wouldn't get he get an obituary here? He was an important figure whose influence was felt in music, films and elsewhere. He wasn't an athlete, but SI still wrote a great piece on him entitled "The Late Nelson Mandela Understood the True Power of

So….the fact that Nikki Finke (whom, incidentally, I've never heard
of) is apparently a moron, means that Nelson Mandela gets a snarky,
insincere obituary?

A wizard did it!

Meh. I've sort of grown to like MTT"s posts. And I think he is always first just because he lives in Asia.