
You are too young.

Caroline (like Dear John in fact) wasn't bad at all, but it was only a hit because of its timeslot. Suddenly Susan was not a good show, but Shields was very good on it. Veronica's Closet? **The worst.**

The Prodigal Daughter Returns, of course. I had marathoned the previous five episodes and finally got to the climax of that episode about 2:30 in the morning, whereupon I proceeded to weep copiously.

Saw Jordan Zimmermann pitch a no-hitter! Never saw one in person before. It was very cool.

I actually liked It's Pat.

I'm not sure Mr. Garvey has a whole feature in him.

Holy shit, they really are. We were cleaning out a room this week and getting that rug moved around is flippin' brutal.

No, I don't think he's actually thinking about her parents.

I really enjoy Grey's, although there is like a three-year stretch where it got pretty bad before getting better.

As I said elsewhere in the comments, I think that stuff is true, but she wasn't out of control to spill it, she was using the truth as her weapon to control Wes. Her feeling him up, though, that might have been for real.

Yeah, I'd say the husband killEd the coed, and Annalise maybe knows already, because of her repeated use of the word "boyfriend," which is used atypically in the first instance to mean the man on the side.

She didn't fake it, but it wasn't real, either. She was using her actual emotions as a lever.

I say ridiculously awesome.

One thing that rang true — when you have law students interning with you they always **always** want to call some potential witness (in this case opthamology offices) and misrepresent themselves.

Seriously, it took Ally McBeal an entire season to get this much wrong. Ally McBeal! I've decided not to be bothered by it, it's too fun so far.

There's a reason they call it "dead weight."

I suppose it's a question of whether you think the main character of A Clockwork Orange sullies one's name or gives it cachet.

I don't have a ton of experience with pot, but the bit with Nick lapsing into a terrible impression in what seemed a poor analogy for something he was teaching Coach, but which actually was just an impression he decided he wanted to do — that slayed me. That's exactly the way it affected me back in the day.

Nobody in the history of comedy has ever crafted a joke as sublime as the Holocaust joke in Jesus is Magic.

Classic Glenn.