
That was a joke, sheesh.

I will be there, prob around 6:30 or 7. Looking forward to it.

Also her mom is a brutal stage mother that made her dress sexy even though she hated it.

It was Sonia.

The Jackson 5 didn't write their songs either. Pop has always been about branding since before we were born. It's nothing to get worked up over. If it sounds good, it is good.

I also found it endearing, but it's certainly not well camouflaged.

Next stop, rocket science.

Shut up shut up.

That's the first one Bob Johnson ever wrote — it's what landed him to gig.

Yeah, it's a gorgeous song.

You are incorrect.

Unpack Your Adjectives is the best one because she does the vocal.

I've got it on VHS.

The problem isn't Manara, it's hiring Manara to do a cover. Because Manara draws sexy people being crazy sexy, and that is what they knew they were getting, or they should have.

This new Doctor is the one who has finally made his peace with what he's done (and also didn't do it). The age is obviously part of that — he's not hiding himself anymore. But he's not as manic either, and even as he saved Clara eventually, he left her to fend for herself first. And of course, he solved the problem

That's like two eps a season, tops!

There's a Boffy the Vampire Layer. My old comics store had one.

Not Another Teen Movie was fucking hilarious; and I'll kill any man what says differ'nt.

We watched the whole thing during maternity/paternity leave.

Die for Coldplay!