
Well, no. If they had shot on that street, maybe you'd have an argument. But they didn't, the film copied a copyrighted work just 'cuz they thought it was cool. You can't evade copyright because you copied something that was published where you could have seen it — that's exactly why you copyright things, so they'll

Jesus, dude, keep it to the Leftovers reviews.

Man, it doesn't seem that long ago.

Mork and Mindy was the first show I made it a point to watch. I was pretty little, but I always made sure to catch it. A lot of years ago.

Thanks man. I likely wouldn't have seen it otherwise.

As long as you buy us beer, bro.

You get 20 people in Recessions at once and the FBI swoops in, because it's got to be some kind of conspiracy.

Yay, I dig this show.

Also chimps!

He hasn't mentioned it in a while, but even up to a few years ago Dan would openly (tongue in cheek, but still) solicit nude pictures from dudes who were seeking advice. It's as good a winnowing system as any, I guess.

No, people who hate the show and yet still take an hour out of their week to watch it and them even more time to talk about how much they hate it, brazenly interrupting conversations people who like it are trying to have, are stupid. Or maybe just hateful? I don't know. I think everyone — including them! — would be

Miles asked for the underlying meaning of why Wayne exclusively chooses asian teenagers for his madonnas. It's the same reason a dog licks it's balls.

Like I've said before, this show isn't meant to be portraying anyone "realistically" because literally everyone is a trauma survivor. These teens are really reckless because they've lived through an unignorable example of their own impermanence.

It was definitely an adult woman Kevin was having sex with during the disappearance. The fact that her face was hidden probably means that her identity will become important later.

Conversely' the science says humans' ability to comprehend consequences doesn't mature until the mid-20's, and it's always been that way. WE just used to make people make their way when they were too dumb to do it right, and a lot of me got in trouble for it.

Real life, because I'm older than those movies.

So don't read it. I'm not sure I get the problem.

Very cool.

Jackie is using Ray as a tool, same as she's been using him, Max, and even Ordell ever since she got out of jail. (And her liking Max doesn't change anything.) When has Jackie in the entire picture been shaky or jumpy about anything? So the fact that she acts that way means that's what it is — an act — same as her

Heh. I remember reading about it in Time Magazine 20 years ago.