
The thing I did like about it was how from time to time you'd get a sense of how much they're all living in fear of pissing off the wrong people (Henry in particular), and how people who aren't the leaders of the state (women in particular, even women of high standing) are treated as entirely disposable.

No, but what makes him a good guy is bending over backwards to keep his political enemies off the pyre (even if theydon't take the invitation). I think Mantel agrees with you that there is a moral qualification in his pragmatism, but I don't think she makes the case, given that they live under a dangerously capricious


Well, let us charitably assume it's because Gabe is merely infatuated with Jeanette Lewis but Allen loves Previn.

Thanks for hipping me to Annedroids, a show I will absolutely force my six-year-old math wiz to watch this weekend.

I think it's the pincer arm of one of those automobile-assembling robots you see in GM commercials.

It's definitely different than it used to be. Find a train or bus to commute on, works great.

Hmm. Maybe someday. I so enjoyed the '70's books and so disliked the '80's ones that the series as a whole has left a bad taste in my mouth. (The third trilogy wasn't yet written at that time.)

Finished Wolf Hall last week. It's pretty enjoyable, although the main character isn't dramatically interesting — he's the smartest, strongest, funniest, most morally upright, most compassionate, and most wise person in all of England, apparently. I enjoyed it, but I don't know if I'd recommend it unless it were 150

I read TIme's Arrow quite some time ago and didn't really get why he felt it was a story worth telling.
So there you go.

Beyonce indifference shall not be tolerated!


Yeah, if it gets a bunch of sexually repressed hausfrau het up and contemplating a more adventurous sex life, then I'm going to count it as good, even if it's not good literature.

I think brunette Dakota Johnson is pretty hot. I do not think blonde Dakota Johnson is at all sexy.

Yeah, it's too bad that now, 20 years later, she looks like she's aged almost six entire months.

She definitely said "screw" in the theatrical cut. I remember it being one of the biggest laughs because of the obvious ADR.

Don't be a tube.

I wonder if he could get Stallone again.

People have been saying that for a long time, but it doesn't entirely fit the facts. I mean, yes, he makes a movie every year because his job is making movies, and if he doesn't have a great one to make, he makes one anyway. But if you take out all the ones that aren't critically successful (and I think his

You shouldn't compare your grandfather to shit.