
That's a fine point. And I admit, I'd never forgive Quentin Tarantino for making a picture this slight, because it takes him forever to make one (although he's getting faster). But not being astounded by a Woodman joint shouldn't be that big a deal, because there's going to be another next year, and it will in all

They probably neck a litle too. I mean, why wouldn't you?

Scoop is great. Cassandra's Dream, not so much, but there's a lot of it I do like.

But you'd think movie critics would feel exactly the opposite, because anybody who loves movies loves at least a couple Woody Allen movies. It's just a boring lens.

But during the time when this was set, and given Sophie's economic background, it would hardly even raise an eyebrow.

Yeah, Aice is unfairly bashed. Hollywood Ending, Jade Scorpion, sure (although I like both). September, Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy? Absolutely! Both stinkers. But Alice is fun and silly and Farrow kills in it.

Like, I get why it's done, but can't we all agree that it's awfully tiresome to review every single Allen picture in light of his personal history? Husbands & Wives, sure, hard to ignore. Match Point even. But this has no connection to the Allen and Previn story other than it's a May-December romance, which is not

I'm not clicking on that link from work, but this looks pretty cool. I like when it looks like naked people are having fun instead of just punching

Who said reasons? Just don't be an asshole.
If a woman isn't interested in your overtures, surely she doesn't have to respond. But if you exchange messages with someone you meet on a dating site, and they ask you out (met on a dating site!!!) and you're not intersted, just giving them the fade at that point makes you

No, no, busting on @avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus for his terrible attitudes towards human intereaction is always in order. Especially when he's being a massive cock. How else is he going to learn?

Seriously, you should totally bombard her with like thirty pictures of dik diks, Dick van Patten, Dick Enberg, Ronny Cox in Robocop, you get the idea. If she doesn't think that's hilarious, the hell with her.

I am aware.

Ehn, it's more likely an artifact of the particular competitive situation in your region. Smaller dealerships are more likely to offer this kind of thing, actually, because a larger one will just give you a cash discount. The smaller business can't afford that, so they offer perks.

Dont take advice from @avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus.

It may throw her for a minute, but she's decided to do it because she likes you and she wants to. That shouldn't change.
Also, you don't say your ages, but dating for nine months without, and yo being cool with it? She may know already.
Finally, cut it out with the gimmick. It's not funny, and you're not good at it.

Are you suggesting that Barney Frank is not the apotheosis of man candy? Because if so, man, I do not understand queers.

You're so creepy.

Suggest they say it in some other language.

Dan's advice to the second question was in fact total crap because he failed to mention that denying a person a job because you've been in a sexual relationship with them — whether favorably concluded or not — is an illegal violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as, likely, state and local law

Toyota's not so hot anymore. Honda's not what it was in the '90's, either, but it's not as dramatically different.