
The warranty has nothing to do with the oil changes, that's an individual dealer offering a benefit to encourage people to buy a car from him rather than another Kia dealership.

Yeah, it's a good car in the value segment. I'm 40 years old, I'm not buying a god damn value car any more, but if I were 15 years younger.

He not monk!

Oh yeah, that sounds pretty good, except for the eggs.

Man, I feel old on this website so often. You've made me very happy.

All I demand is Scarlett Johansen giving a dude a blow job. Is that so hard to do?

I don't think we decided ahead of time to hate it, just when we saw it and decided it wasn't S3.
But most of the Peaks fans I know liked it, even as we didn't understand it.

It's no Joe Mathlete explains today's Marmaduke.

There are some occasional jokes, but mostly it's just meant to be comfortably familiar.
That said, as mentioned recently on the site, they've been doing a lot more experimental stuff in the last few years. I haven't read too much of it, but some of it is interesting.

How much in dog years?

Check out that Ricky Jay profile, it's pretty cool.

But the point is that not everyone has the choice. Or at least, not all the time.
The economics aren't irrelevant, either. Going to a play costs a lot of dough, esepcially if you have to pay for a sitter. And while the energy of live performance can be sublime, it can also be absent. Several years ago I dragged my wife

Wow. Three in a row.

PBS must have thought so too, given how often they used to rerun that thing.

After reading the headline, I was all set to decry the thesis therein, but D'Angelo took the wind out of my sails in his first sentence. I still think the absolutism is misplaced, even if there are a lot more bad adaptations of plays than there are good ones. Because how often does one get to see a cast as good as

How about you go fuck yourself, and then we'll all be happy.

The dream from earlier in the episode when the crazy guy tried to kill Christine.


What was she, 23? If you're not a better lay than you were in your early 20's (unless you're still in your early 20's), there's no hope for you.

Yeah, but he would have if were still alive. That's not even up for debate.