
Slut-shaming is not cool, no matter how much you pretend it's because you dislike someone for extrinsic reasons. So fucking stop it.


I wrote a post about this which Disqus seems to have eaten — the Amendment explicitly allows property owners to consent to the quartering of troops.
Also, I am not sure that most people would allow servicemen in their homes. Maybe now, with the veneration of the military that's been de rigeur in the last decade plus.

But see, my point, which I am done flogging at this stage, and I assume Vago's is that the Communists didn't really want that. Maybe once upon a time, but the party heads didn't want anything but control, same as in China, same as in the fascist states, same as everywhere else.

We've been doing this for three hundred years, and it hasn't worked yet. It means we're due!

I think I've made the case. You can agree or not, but don't pretend there aren't reasons why people equate the two.

But as someone who is neither a fascist nor a communist, why am I required to take their bullshit ideologies as definitive? The USSR operated under Stalin in ways just exactly like the fascists had in Central Europe, with the exception of their economic systems — which makes a certain amount of sense because Central

I don't think that's entirely true — it's better for the aims of democracy than any other economic system as far as I know. It just has to be well-constrained, and it's vey difficult to constrain it.

Oh god, that book kicked my ass. Hundreds of pages of absolutely boring slog justified by thinking "well, it's got to get interesting when the Revolution comes, huh?"

No, I reject this. Communists label themselves left-wing, and fascists are called right-wing (although some fascists have disagreed with this label), but fascism is a philosophy of primacy of the state which is traditionally agnostic to the local economic regime, and communism as practiced under Stalin took up all the

At that time, groups referring to the Bill of Rights weren't necessarly focused on the 2d, but more likely the 1st and 4th.

Yeah, it's insane. But you can understand how it gets there — progressive groups (not to mention openly radical ones) did want to foster fundamental change in the management of the nation (which, you know, they did during the 1960's, thank goodness). As @I Will Probably Forget This Qu:disqus says, it's hard to tell

That's a tricky one. Certainly you could say it wasn't Marxist, but it's hard to say that an ostensibly communist nation, which exported communism internationally, managed the economy, theoretically minimized private property, and was held as the standard-bearer of international communism by communists all over the

Let's see, veneration of the State, expansionist militarism, official intolerance for religion, leadership through cult of personality? The USSR, at a minimum under Stalin, was a fascist state operating managing a centrally-planned economy.

I think all of the Jacksons could have been working artists, but I agree that none but Jermaine could have been bigger than he was if he had a different last name.
Jesus, that had to be a hard house to grow up in, huh?

That's funny, but anyone who gives a shit about music of the '80's has heard of all these Jacksons, and most of these tunes. (Not Rebie maybe.)

They're invading from New Zealand!

Short-beaked? Perv!

That is an insane extrapolation from essentially no evidence.

It's the first non-kiddie movie I ever watched with my then, I think, three year old. We'd been watching Ni-Hao Kai Lan or something, clicked off the DVR, and there it was, right about to launch.